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  1. 高尔夫骄傲之旅天鹅绒中型(7)新60美元运送高尔夫骄傲CPX中型(6)运送本间TR20V新50美元,5吉瓦(5铁不是照片而是明天添加的时候从钳工)标准L / L / L。也许5个月。优秀的形状几乎没有包喋喋不休。CPX中型控制和否定105 r轴500美元运送方法120年代旅游轴5吉瓦.355锥度,全新的225美元运送GFore MG4 + GDRIVE Sz10全新箱125美元船运的葡萄园葡萄树波罗,吉姆白兰地酒,Sankaty全新这些零售价110美元,卖55美元运送
  2. 我不是谈论课程在当下。这是所有课程建立在过去的20年里,需要提示在7800码。至于.001%。它不会停止,不会。这将跑下山。我们都觉得这十年。我真的不关心优点。我所关心的是游戏在现在的地方。我们不需要让它更加困难。我们终于看到它与年轻一代成长。 Lets keep it that way.
  3. 这些在我短信楔形,我不能更满意。完整的镜头(甚至tho他们广告不这样做)感到不可思议。稳定是最好的方法来描述。你可以感觉到头部和轴。这是你不能支付足够的。在芯片照片,他们就像推杆轴。他们让你知道当你合得来中心。但当你做完美的接触像黄油一样。最好的我发现是我的分散在周长小于10码。这两者区别很大,当你与一个54 * 110。 Confidence is the word that comes to mind. I would say to anyone that is thinking about these, just do it. I know they are not for everyone but they will def give you more confidence if you lack that in your short game.
  4. 司机:Autoflex 3 w:烟蓝色RDX 5/7W:三菱C6蓝铁:否定105 r楔形:英国达人ZNE推杆:英国达人稳定碳
  5. 在过去的20年里我们一直延长课程,使巨大的司机,启动高铁/顶阁楼,低轴旋转,低自旋球,等现在基本上我们要开始说哇喔哇,我们不能达到它。然后所有的这个是什么?我并不真正关心的长度和最长的。我不玩技巧,真的不需要。当我从6000码可以不断打破80或更少我就开始背。但是,老实说真的在乎谁?高尔夫球技术水平。如果你想让一个8000码,帅哥可以达到350年,那么我就当一回吧。我挖一个长球,尤其是直。课程是足够强硬,而且无论如何呈现一个巨大的挑战。 Now we want to take all of that away and hit things shorter? The USGA rules board is literally making things up to justify having a job. This is stupid. PERIOD.
  6. 你的眼睛真的取决于设置。我不能摆动混合正确保存我的生活,它就尖叫了!推高铁有益于摇摆速度(个人),而我没有。这给我留下了球道树林。最近我已经能够达到他们好了。所以我转而3/5/7木设置中,很快将不会回头。
  7. 司机,这个俱乐部一直是上下经历每一次我的链接。我有一个爱/恨与俱乐部之间的关系。一天一切正常,第二我不妨把它扔在池塘里。我试过迷你驱动,减少降低自旋的阁楼,阁楼让我在空中,的例子不胜枚举。大约4个月前,我决定购买隐形+ 10.5 * GD工业区6 s轴头。打了它难以置信的模拟器和令人惊讶的是,翻译课程。然后,不可避免的发生了。我开始失踪的左派和右派。我告诉自己我不玩,因为这些数字是伟大的。13 - 13.5 *发射和自旋在2300 - 2500之间。 Perfect. So I thought to myself it has to be the operator (NEVER SAY THIS, ITS ALWAYS THE CLUB). I kept reading and watching videos about the Autoflex phenomena, how people rave about them. I just had to see/try for myself. Well the sticker shock was even more a put-off. I even thought about going to club champion and wasting the $150 on a driver fitting to just see if I even could swing this shaft. I was not going that route tho. As a natural club/shaft changer-outer, I said screw it lets get on the forums/ebay and see what we can find. I love bright colors and settled on a limited rainbow edition. Now this shaft being $400 better be worth it. I was told it would play 46" in the head, it did not, it was an inch shorter. I know from reading the whole premise behind this shaft is the longer the better creating a whip feel and making that ball travel farther with less resistance/work. Well, I said screw it and lets see. After 2.5 months with this shaft, I could not be happier. My fairways in play has risen to an ungodly level of 71% hit. More importantly I have taken away a double miss and really any miss at all. When I swing it like a lazy idiot thats my own fault. This shaft not only was worth the $400 on consistency alone, but also giving me the confidence to pull it out on tight fairways to get closer to the green when my playing buddies have to hit 3 wood or less. Scramble events are just awesome! I hit the fairway and my partner can do whatever they want. My swing speed is consistent at 102-104. I do not have a harsh transition, I am fairly smooth on everything. This shaft has only made it more smooth. Another huge point to be made is when I mishit the ball on the toe or the heel, the misses do not balloon left or right. They actually stay straight. I have never seen this before. It cannot be me making corrections on the downswing because we all know that makes it much worse. It has to be the shaft reacting to that mishit and giving it the correction needed. One thing I am really hesitant on doing is checking my numbers on a trackman. I do not want to see what they are because I truly do not care. I am beyond happy with all my results on the course, and that is where it counts. I say all of this to basically tell anyone that is thinking about this purchase, JUST DO IT. Especially if you try to go after the ball and always seem to end up in a bad spot. This shaft allows you to swing easy and give you the same results if not better. I know these shafts on the aftermarket are still $500, but if you can have the same results as myself, that cost more than makes up for you chasing the next shaft/head combo 6 months to a year later (hell even sooner in my case). Cheers!
  8. U510 3铁,薄荷条件。40 RDX烟6.0僵硬。”135美元运送踏进黑推杆轴稳定巡演,.390提示大小,32.5”长度,控制主手枪式握把,150美元运送C-Taper Lite 110年代从T300 4铁轴拉。.370小费。105年代37.75”35美元运送三菱OTI .370铁轴(6),最长的措施37.75“1/4”的增量。35“最短的措施。120美元运送卡拉威软铬和铬软X几十个。崭新的。40美元运送。
  9. 我选择这个模型,因为我不是最好的球的前锋,需要更多的宽恕。我希望得到更多的比我现在目前的一致性。克里斯/杰克逊维尔,FL PXG 0211直流11.3是的!
  10. 任何一对40美元。太大对我来说现在我失去了一些体重。我有两双的绿色。所有品牌新附加标签仍然萍G425 LST 9 *定制阿克拉TZ5 M4刚性轴发挥45”,优秀的运输条件400美元
  11. 位于杰克逊维尔,我不能发送消息,不知道发生了什么。拍摄我的电子邮件stonebart72@gmail.com
  12. 不知道为什么我不能接收消息,也不能发送任何。拍摄我的电子邮件stonebart72@gmail.com请让我知道哪个颜色
  13. 朝着不同的方向球明智……2打黄色(售出10打)4打白色(9打出售)44美元运送,将为倍数做交易…
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