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  • 生日10/15/1984


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  • 年龄
    - 39
  • 摆动速度
    91 - 100英里
  • 障碍
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  • 最大的力量
  • 最大的弱点
  • 适合俱乐部




  1. 将一个


  2. 我去新奥尔良业务下个月,将有时间,周中。如果我的职业可以让我在新奥尔良CC或Metairie,我想我会去的。如果没有,我想TPC或英语。任何人有任何见解如何排名这些选项?我不是一个伟大的高尔夫球手,所以任何的强迫携带危险并不是一个有趣的一天对我来说。
  3. 它有一个反冲780 ES F4 (S)。我想我要去寻找一套PTx Pro(可能图标得分熨斗)在二级市场。但是如果我发现已经有一个铁杆,我会达到回你。
  4. 我是演示一些本印第安人草屋,打发他们回去与包括返回航运标签之前新闻。是一种耻辱,因为我已接近扣动了扳机混合PTxPro /图标集。即使我的障碍,我非常好。看,那个联邦快递把包裹还给我今天回来的时候,无法投递的。所以我猜我买了UiHi 4铁、优势交货7铁,PTx Pro 7铁,和25美元的56度楔试验费用吗?
  5. 我认为这门课将需求心理耐力在该领域拥有不多。凸轮史密斯在他的静脉有冰球员尽管可疑策略最后一洞。我也希望老虎是在前5进入周末,周六消退一点,然后反弹只有他可以周日来挑战。
  6. 我回来到浪潮的一部分高尔夫COVID期间,部分由于接管的工作把我13州立公园的课程,我想我应该至少传递的知识。低,看哪,我喜欢这个游戏比当我还是一个青少年容易沮丧。快进几年,我变得更严重。采取一些教训,试图找到价格适中(使用)相匹配的设备我摇摆比旧衣服。加入了一个每周的男子在我的俱乐部联赛。建立了一个障碍,上赛季从39岁下降到24。所以我想是时候进入一个比赛在我的俱乐部,所以我进入相对低价个人比杆赛比赛成员和邀请业余爱好者,知道俱乐部的签名member-guest是没有地方给我。现在是时候做好准备。的淡季,我正忙着司机,这是令人惊讶的我在秋天打它。所以我开始安装到一个新的驱动程序(Ping G425 Max)。 After the sticker shock, I took home a used G410 with an aftermarket shaft for barely a third of the price and only about 5 yards difference on the monitor. Some range time and my casual Thursday evening 9s later, and I'd gotten my driver game more-or-less tuned up. My handicap increased slightly, but I chalked that up to playing aggressively on league nights. I had a different course management strategy for the tournament (hit driver, but if you chunk it, stick with middle irons until you can reach the green, advance the ball in the air). I had no hopes of winning, but thought maybe a net skin was a possibility (getting two strokes on most holes helps in that department). My club is known for its greens. A Champions Tour player recently disclosed he thinks they're the best greens in the state. They're bent and normally roll 11. Sticking approach shots has not been my strength, opting instead to aim in front of the green with the hopes of rolling up onto them. But putting has been a strength, averaging around 36 putts per round. Not bad for a high-handicapper. I show up for the Friday tournament to find completely different conditions than the evening before. The greens had been shorn tight and rolled hard. They clocked in at 13.8 that morning, and they only got firmer and faster as the day progressed. And here's a lesson I learned the hard way: if you're putting well, don't pick up the new putters at the shop and give them a try days before playing a tournament. Dance with the girl who brought you. Still, I wasn't doing terribly. I was sticking with my game plan and carding mostly doubles and avoiding huge numbers. At the last of my group's first nine, a par 4 with a big risk-reward opportunity, the tees were considerably forward. I played it safe with 4 iron I've hit well off the tee in order to avoid the mid-fairway tree 225 yards out, and the perpendicular creek bed just beyond it. Hit it well, straight, and right of the tree, just as I'd planned. But as we get up there, I can't find my ball. It should have been in the fairway, but where was it? Turns out it was in the creek bed, 245 yards from the tees. I wasn't mad; I was thrilled. I'd hit an iron a distance that is normally a good drive for me, and I had a lucky lie to boot! This was my turning point. I was going to have a great second nine! Two holes later, I stick the green on a 165-yard 3. Here we go! Pin is slightly below me, but in a little trough that I can use to roll it close for a chance at birdie, and a par at worst. But the ball wouldn't stop. It kept rolling. To the front of the green. Off the green. Another 20 feet past the green. Ugh. So I putt it back up to the ridge just short of the hole, but it doesn't hold and rolls back. Try again and same result. Finally I get it to stay, but a few difficult putts later, I'm reporting an 8. I stopped short of throwing that ball in the woods, but in retrospect maybe should have. The wheels came off on the next six holes. We'll pretend they didn't happen. On the final tee, I wasn't sure I had enough left in me to even swing the driver. With a goal of just advancing the ball through the air, I made contact. And boy did I. I piped that final drive over 300 yards, straight down the middle of the fairway. An 85-yard approach shot hit the green and helped me finish with my best hole of the day. My score was nothing to brag about, and was the worst turned in that day. Having intentionally avoided a running tally, I honestly expected it to be worse than it was. But I learned a lot about myself and what I could do better. The group I played with (another high handicapper and two senior members) was supportive. And we were constantly waiting on the groups in front of us, so I never felt I was frustrating their pace. I may not be proud of my performance, but I am proud I got out there and that I finished. And I finished on a good hole. I'll be back for more.
  7. 重回游戏,我觉得我已经足够我摇摆consistent-ish寻找真正适合我的俱乐部。问题是,我在一个完整的损失,如何开始这段旅程。有一个俱乐部冠军接近我不会不方便,但刚刚味精司机调查我怀疑他们是值得的钱。我也有一个区域附近的连锁高尔夫文摘排名在前100名,但我犹豫尽在室内的田字格(与铁更是如此)。还有高尔夫教练我使用,但他似乎品牌(TM)具体,所以我怀疑我装好后,真正最适合我。品牌配件的日子在我的课程也一样。户外,如果我能做到,我怎么做一个恰当的用“真实”的球而不是球范围(见球试验)没有发送价值500美元的不俗的范围?但更重要的是,我便宜。仅仅是唯一我愿意购买新的锚的事情我在地上(轮胎、鞋子和床垫)。我不介意支付配件,但鉴于我的技术水平,我宁愿找一个好的轻使用俱乐部从2 - 3年前比叉为新俱乐部1500美元。 (Not to mention the backlog in new clubs.) I know I'm over-thinking all of this, but with a big commitment of resources (time and money), I'd like to do this right.
  8. 谢谢你的回复。生活的方式,和高尔夫球并没有发生,但我们会回来,我会记住这些建议。
  9. 我下周会在城里,但可能只能挤在一个圆的。短我的职业让我在沙丘上,一门课我应该玩什么?
  10. 我要扔一个无耻的插头三肯塔基州立公园的课程:鹰岭Yatesville湖国家公园亚瑟山/史蒂夫·福勒斯特设计与戏剧性的高程变化和杰出的风景,需要打了至少两倍的视觉效果会惹你。Cullan在矿物堆州立公园这个迈克尔Hurdzan / Dana Frye跟踪建立在半岛的巴克利与可怕的卧铺湖湖的观点。老鹰乐队比得分更频繁的秃头。戴尔空心湖国家公园这史蒂夫·奥尔特课程是肯塔基州的北卡罗莱纳最好的高地追踪和一直排名在全国最好的价值。
  11. 我不确定,可以肯定的是。它说的是“ALDILA提升46僵硬。”The image displayed was gray (so I'm guessing ultralight), but the specs on the UL for a stiff flex are 48g, not 46.
  12. 我98年摇摆速度刚刚匹配一个TSi1 Aldila提升46美国我会试图追踪一个尝试,但这似乎是一个非常奇怪的选择,考虑的目标摇摆速度,司机是在80年代。这个设置mid-swing-speeders有经验吗?
  13. 你打高尔夫球有多长时间了?你有什么障碍或正常的分数吗?我每天在夏天我年轻的时候,但基本上放弃我在高中的时候,容易沮丧。现在开始早在2020年的秋天,我迷上了。障碍建立40岁,但到现在25岁。我希望它在bogey-golf平整。你喜欢高尔夫球吗?这是一个伟大的逃跑,要求关注一个愚蠢的小白球,不会去你想要的地方!MyGolfSpy带给你什么?你知道其他的间谍吗? The equipment has changed a lot since I last played. I love the data-driven approach and crave the trustworthy data when deciding what's right for me. Where are you from? What is your home course? I live in central Kentucky, my home courses are Lexington Country Club and all of the 13 Kentucky State Parks courses. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? Great variety of courses and turfs, year-round golf is possible, the humidity can be hell, though! What do you do for a living? Deputy Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Parks (also, a recovering attorney) How’d you pick your user name? It's my name...?
  14. 我解雇了十年后重返高尔夫半。坐在25嗨,但是从40下降迅速。我想象平整周围可怕的高尔夫球。一如既往,击球的一致性是我的垮台。在我的袋子是什么!司机:色915 d3 3 w: Titlist 917 f3熨斗:Taylormade SpeedBlade (4-AW)楔形:克利夫兰RTX3 56-8 Taylormade研磨磨60-10(唯一新鲜了俱乐部在我包里)推杆:威尔逊叶片(这是古老的,但我平均每轮34的推杆)球:Pro V1袋:Srixon立场
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