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  1. 最后,有人意识到这不是我的错!光荣的一天。
  2. 取得进展在我的旅行。停在看到国王的地方。我想在格雷斯的氛围会给我一些在准备一些滚动移动,左,右,摆动,在松林中。下一站我倾向于说多莉。检查与多莉,也许一点了解浮选设备。然后检查了一些游乐设施和痛苦的感觉。相当于俱乐部的轨迹和着陆的我!这是一个漫长的冬季,所以这是一个快速修复。
  3. 除了轻微的燃烧在我眼里这没什么大不了的。一点空气,一卷的球道和它的消失了。当然,我得到一个超级干净,当我去游泳。
  4. 对不起,太晚了。我正在游泳课。很高兴你注意到我弗雷迪。我要我现在玩摇奖机运行。
  5. 在一个严肃的注意。感谢毫克和Teeless驱动程序的测试机会。
  6. 你应该知道比这更好!再来一片比萨长岛的男孩。
  7. 现在,如果你看到信息商业或阅读写在他们的网站上你应该知道!一切都会飙升球道中间。所以我计划在一个大型的家庭聚会结束时测试。对不起,高尔夫球制造商,你现在可以减缓生产。
  8. 注意!那项工作了吗?黄色球检查在他的第一次测试机会!谢谢你出来和Teeless司机给我这个机会。我一直在味精了几年,有点频繁的海报。但我通常称为皇家酒窝疼痛。为你新手看看我“黄色球烤的“线程。小心,你可能是下一个!我打高尔夫球已经很长一段时间,让我的障碍一个可观的水平。好吧,除非你是玩我。 I am a world traveler and have played countless courses with three times as many golfers as courses. So basically, too high for most of you to count. From my experience lots of you can’t count past FORE anyway. You guys sound so proud when you yell it out too! Like Tarzan beating on his chest. I don’t have a home course or even a home for that matter I live in the ball pocket of your golf bag. But my life revolves around golf, and I am grateful for it. Every time I manage to roll myself out of a pond is a great day. I would like to give a shout out to my human assistant (bet you thought I was going to give you a name didn’t you). This person takes dictation and puts my words (most of them anyway, after filtering) on paper for all to read. Takes me golfing and sends out a search party when I’m lost. Not being one to toot my own horn but I have created the yellow craze. Lots of people have switched over to yellow golf balls. They are just easier to track in the air. They also look quite sexy if I do say so myself. Someone even came out with golf shirts saying play yellow. Seems like everyone is trying to capitalize on my popularity. Don’t even get me started on the Emoji likeness that has swept the world. There are posers everywhere trying to be Yellow Ball. But the one and only YB is a member of MGS. So, let’s get real for a moment. Will this Driver be a lemon or lemonade? Note: Any funds received from testing will go right into the YB refurbishment program. What do I hope to accomplish? Well, based on the manufacturer’s claims will this club do the following? Launch Shots into the Stratosphere? Have Unmatched Accuracy and Keep the Ball Soaring? Have a Chunk-Proof Sole? Launches higher and carries consistently farther than your current driver. Puts you in more fairways than anything you’ve played. Boosts your confidence on every hole – even the ones that have your number. Outperforms your 3-wood for ease of use, distance and accuracy. Makes you wonder why every golfer doesn’t own one (and makes you glad your buddies don’t) If this is all true and you put one in your bag, I will have nothing to pick on you guys about. Does this mean early retirement for Yellow Ball? Tune in next week. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel. Let’s just see how this all plays out!
  9. 威尔逊……是你吗?自从你爸爸洗了大海。我一直在找你。
  10. 你好我的小黄色的所有的朋友。很高兴看到你的一天!
  11. 游泳!但真的想学会漂浮。
  12. 说实话不冬眠。一些麻木螺母打我时冷。打我对不起ars池塘。不幸的是它冻结在之前我可以滚出去。这是最近的我变成蓝色的球。蓝色不是我的颜色。我想所有的评论。但在晒黑一点时间布斯温暖我的核心。
  13. 人们会做什么很酷的一部分孩子的人群!“E”的努力。
  14. 在我旅行到松林我停在一个高尔夫球场,你知道,恐吓一些高尔夫球手和看到一个新的课程。我在高尔夫商店和检查开始谈天说地。嘿,大家,它是黄色的球。骚动后平静下来一会儿总经理出来,说:“我们一直在等待你。我们有你的奥德赛- o -作品推杆。这是自2018年以来在这里!”Much to my excitement I quickly ran out to the putting green and put it to work. Now I'm a pretty good putter by most standards. To my surprise, well you can see! Where do I send this thing back so you can give it away again!
  15. 前方和后方,如果你真的检查我。
  16. 大部分时间你是正确的。对我来说,把她刷成粉红色。那个让我神魂颠倒!
  17. 代表世界的球,我将试着让这短暂的:它们会让车慢吗?他们试图减少电器有效吗?他们会让智能手机是吗?大部分的这些球员很抬高与年前相比。你要告诉他们不能去健身房?我可以继续下去。没有地狱。我们茁壮成长在改善(我们的头脑、身体和设备)。作为一个球员你仍然需要照片。职业的兴衰与相同的球从星期星期。 On a selfish note, if the Pros are going to be required to play a softer ball or a restricted ball in whatever materials used they will only try to hit it harder. I can’t take much more. Leave the existing ball alone. If you need to do something then establish a not to exceed rebound limit using todays ball as a base line. (A ball shot at 100 mph through a smooth cylinder air cannon at a 1” thick steel plate shall not rebound past “X” yards.) Then the manufacturers can still play around with spin through cover materials, dimple patterns and such. They might even increase distance through the dimple pattern but the straight rebound will still be in tolerance. YB out!
  18. 等一下。我认为我可以把看了。我是一个聪明的美元。
  19. 我看到它是如何。离开这个小家伙!我可能是小,但我也有感情。因为我自由负载并不意味着你必须排除我。只是让大家知道我来恐吓!我到目前为止下面可以看到的进步。许多有趣的地方。今晚,我想我吃大德克萨斯。要挖出我的牛仔帽。然后休息,早上重新开始滚动。
  20. 男人,聚集,我有一个重要的声明。因为我是不包括参加的名单上。我们将被迫再次呆在高尔夫球袋的口袋。复仇甜。培训马上开始。你必须在6月之前得到的形状。我们将专注于鸭钩子,小腿,切片,蠕虫燃烧器。没有高尔夫球手会毫发无损地走出这个郊游。我们将剩下的6月的第一个星期。以后,我希望每个人都在他们的白人。 We are to blend in and raise havoc. We will give these guys stories to tell. Do I make myself clear?
  21. 因为松针将成为你的第二轮,可能最难的课程。我建议你扮演一个与其他三个人爬在你的组。87是十拿九稳的。谢谢你的。看我多么努力。

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