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  • CudaKota66


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    - 39
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    91 - 100英里
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  1. 我在西雅图地区长大,住在那里,直到几年前。我进入当地的咖啡的场景(如很难跟上啤酒厂/啤酒场景)。咖啡馆Ladro是我的最爱。我是一个咖啡师一段时间和爱使我自己的美式咖啡,有一天,我希望有一个咖啡设置在家里。我用来做法国媒体但清理磨已经厌倦了,所以我现在使用Chemex倒在含氧的毛刺磨床。
  2. 我遇到了在我的新家greenskeeper几天前,他说他要到芝加哥看到晴天房地产。让我再听他们和其他Jeremy Enigk项目。一些伟大的音乐!如果你在90年代长大的机会你会喜欢他的收藏工作。
  3. 如何公平,布鲁克斯是提前开球时间7点吗?使用Tapatalk发出我的iPhone
  4. 我是一个金属风扇。我主要是北欧乐队,听老经典像在火焰和博多之子,和一些新的Brymir这样的组织。另一个伟大的乐队,听起来像他们从芬兰Æther领域,你永远猜不到他们实际上来自北卡罗莱纳。使用Tapatalk发出我的iPhone
  5. 谢谢!阅读你的介绍,听起来像我们相处。我可能是出生在80年代,但如果你知道我在高中时你会以为那是1975年。我沉迷于齐柏林飞艇,我有长头发和弹吉他摇滚乐队。哈!使用Tapatalk发出我的iPhone
  6. 我新论坛,希望能在这里见到一些当地人和不时地玩。1。你打高尔夫球有多长时间了?我一直在打高尔夫球大约30年,开始的时候在7或8。直到2020年我不太玩,一年几次和我的爸爸。我们没有高尔夫旅行在暑假期间。自2020年以来,我尝试打9洞中一周一次的播放时间。2。你有什么障碍或正常的分数吗?我目前有一个15.2的障碍。 I normally score around 90, give or take 5 strokes. 3. What do you love about golf? I love being out on a golf course on a beautiful day with people I enjoy. I love having a hobby that I can work on for the rest of my life but never master. I love the skills required to be good at golf: patience, ability to forget the last shot, body awareness, mental awareness, awareness of the land and air around you, having strength but also finesse. Golf really puts me in the moment and takes me out of my normal headspace. 4. What brings you to MyGolfSpy? Do you already know any other Spies? I’m getting into understanding golf tech and the things that can actually benefit my game. I don’t know any Spies yet. 5. Where are you from? What is your home course? I’m originally from the greater Seattle area in Washington state. I moved to Indiana a year and a half ago, and I’m now in Westfield, just north of Indianapolis. Technically my home course is Wood Wind, but my first “home course” here was River Glen and it’ll always have a special place in my heart. 6. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? Best: a lot of quality, challenging public courses nearby that are affordable. Worst: can’t play year-round. 7. What do you do for a living? I’m a software developer. 8. How’d you pick your user name? I have a PING Heppler Tyne putter that I love, and the name seems to be seldom used. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. 4我- PW +华盛顿大学(49度差距楔,即效用楔)轴- PING AWT定期2.0 - 7铁- 151码(Arccos距离“智能”)背景:我一直在打高尔夫球大约30年,但直到2020年我才离开一年几次来花时间与我的爸爸。后真的进入高尔夫2020年的夏天,我决定在春天的21是时候升级我爸爸的PowerBilt TPS 6.0超大传下来的熨斗。我没有做大量的研究和直接去萍是因为我爱G司机我几年前买的。看着可用熨斗我立即被吸引到G710s,因为他们看起来很酷。我在当地专卖店平配件。我已经差不多G710s出售后,打几个7铁枪,看到一个跳距离,我扣动了扳机,买了一套。性能:我真的很兴奋当俱乐部到达但几轮和练习场会话后,买方的悔恨。这些俱乐部不容易修复我的高尔夫球比赛,我很期待。我的消失/片仍是现在和我没有任何更好的击球。我还需要适应一个非常不同的俱乐部。作为一个例子,我经常送球的时候整个绿色铁bump-n-runs 9。 I was having a hard time getting a feel for how the ball was going to come off the face; these clubs are pretty hot. I really only have the PowerBilt irons to compare to and I actually wouldn’t say the G710s feel any better, just different (though I will say I don’t get club buzz on a mis-hit). I played well with the PowerBilt irons and overall I’m not blown away with the G710s’ performance, but I have gained some consistency and confidence. I’ve never experienced a “buttery soft” iron, but I’m sure these don’t fall in that category, as these are firm and a little hollow feeling. I’m two years in with these clubs now and those initial “feel” issues are pretty much gone. I feel very confident with my short game and I have found that my distances with each club has been pretty consistent. I’ve had no problems sticking greens with 7 iron and below. I’ve struggled most with the long irons and fighting a strong fade, but that is on me and my swing, not the clubs. I still think these clubs look great. The black is a little scratched and faded on the sole, close to the face, but I don’t mind that. I think they are wearing nicely. Conclusion: I don’t know if anybody is still looking at these clubs or if they’re obsolete now after a few years of new releases, but in my opinion these aren’t worth the high price tag. I wouldn’t buy them again at the price I paid ($145/club) and I’d say they’d need to come down below $110/club for me to consider them again. Overall I am happy with these clubs. My one regret is that I didn’t invest in a comprehensive club fitting somewhere like Club Champion to compare with other club and shaft options. However, in my case, it could be argued that my swing has evolved so much as I continue to learn and figure things out, that getting fit for where I was at two years ago might not have been all that beneficial. It could also be argued that spending what I did on the G710s without shopping around was stupid. Anyway, what’s done is done, and what I can say is the G710s have been solid and continue to work well for me as I keep working on my game. I’ve made a deal with myself that these clubs are staying in the bag until I can start breaking 80. Once (if) that starts happening, then I’ll start looking into irons designed for players who are good at hitting the ball :) P.S. Maybe I just don’t get it and somebody needs educate me, but I really don’t like the “strong lofted” trend for game improvement irons. I think irons should be more bound by their actual lofts. Like 19-21 degrees should be a 3 iron, not a 3 in one set and a 4 in another. Had I known about the “retro spec loft” for the G710s, I probably would have gone for that. When I’m asked what club I hit, I usually club up, and say I hit a 6 when I hit my 7. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. 很兴奋看到这个剧本!削减号码:+ 2老虎的分数后第二轮:+ 5使用Tapatalk发出我的iPhone

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