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  • 生日10/07/1983


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  • 年龄
    - 39
  • 摆动速度
    91 - 100英里
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  • 适合俱乐部


  1. 大多数地方,出售克利夫兰伊什仍然卖130美元。我确信他们是好楔形,我选择和汤米一起去甲腔845块从迪克的他们只有79.99美元每个。但我不明白他们为什么这么贵的没有多少技术或进入真正的游戏改进。他们像一个铁基本可以,只是形状和可用性的问题,他们几乎都是一样的形状,同样的磨,同样的唯一选择。Orlimar,我认为这样的公司麦格雷戈Ram等,已被证明是好的选择在过去可能开始削弱很多市场通过楔形,有选项,例如全部脚趾槽,生面孔等等。这是最简单的优势从大公司拿走。
  2. 几周前我看到这些麦格雷戈楔形,认为他们可能是一个很好的选择(IMO)从大品牌价格过高的楔形。他们也有一个更昂贵的“V-Foil”模型,看上去也很不错。我想知道这里的人有一个尝试的机会,他们对他们的看法。https://www.amazon.com/MacGregor-Grind-Milled-Wedge-Chrome/dp/B09VNRJ3YM/ref=sr_1_9?crid=3PJRJALIN1JKY&keywords=macgregor + wedges&qid = 1691603836 &sprefix =麦格雷戈+楔形% 2帽% 2 c157&sr = 8 - 9
  3. 你好!我的名字是凯西和我不是一个狂热的论坛用户,但出来的评论有很多设备和配件所以我想这将是一个伟大的方式让我了解更多的信息,甚至可能满足其他人在我的领域,想做heckin”高尔夫球。你打高尔夫球有多长时间了?~ 25年,然而,我花了很长时间的间断之间的竞争在高中和现在我只玩过几次一年偶尔添加了扰乱或赶上朋友。现在我回定期播放和寻找业余的竞争机会。你有什么障碍或正常的分数吗?它变化。我使用Arccos系统跟踪打高尔夫俱乐部,现正被什么工作最适合我。如果我真正严格的约15,但是我的能力可能是接近一个< 10。我已经取得了巨大的收益方法,短,把。 Now that I'm correcting some driver slice and tall iron fade the ball is staying where it belongs and I'm dialing things in better. What do you love about golf? The masochistic way it hurts so bad all the time but every now and again the course tells me it loves me so I stick with it. What brings you to MyGolfSpy? As stated before, came for the reviews, stayed for the opportunity to learn more and perhaps even volunteer to test gear and products. There's quite a few things i don't see data on that I'd like to know more about. Do you already know any other Spies? I'd tell you, but then I'd have to waterboard you.....but no, no I don't. Where are you from? What is your home course? I currently live in Columbia MO and mostly play between Lake of The Woods and L.A. Nickel clubs. My home home course is the McCall Golf Club in McCall, ID. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? Courses are really lovely and inexpensive with lush grass, plenty of trees and rolling hills which can be difficult as they hide holes, but also offer a bit more excitement. The worst things would probably be the humidititties and the likelihood of getting caught in torrential downpours. What do you do for a living? Project manager for SimpleVoIP, an enterprise Voice over IP solution. How’d you pick your user name? Clem Fandango is a character from a show called Toast of London. It's an obscure British comedy staring Matt Berry and if you've never seen it, correct yourself immediately. I have nothing in common with the character other than liking the name and also enjoying slightly messing with people. What's in the bag? I'm currently experimenting with new solutions using the Arccos caddy system. I have been using Tommy Armour TA1 Driver and 3,5 woods for a couple years and really like them. I got them at an unbelievable price and haven't found any other driver on the market that I hit any further. As of today I receive my new Ping G425 Irons which are replacing King Cobra Tour MIM irons. I really like the Tours, but the club heads are really small and while they felt great when hit correctly, the fact that they had TPS-$ Shafts meant that when they weren't spot on, they killed me on the course, leaving me with less distance on my 3,4 irons than my outgoing Ping ISI-Ks. I think, had I gotten them with a lighter stiff shaft like my new G25s are coming equipped with, they would have been much better. Wedges are Tommy Armour cavity back 52, 56, and 60 replacing my outgoing King Tour Gap, Callaway PM Grind 56 and Callaway Jaws 60. Putter is an Odyssey 2ball White Steel. Tell us about your balls? I'm looking at all the balls. I'm trying to figure out what works best for my playing style, and thanks to a snazzy water retriever and a couple free afternoons I've hunted down 5 gallons of found balls in good shape, so I have plenty to experiment with. So far I've found that anything soft is slow and falls short of where I want the ball to go. Top Flight XLs have been surprisingly great and I've played really well with Bridgestone Tours. Noodles are hot garbage. Don't love much that Wilson nor Pinnacle have to offer. Working my way up to the Callaways, Taylor Mades and Titleists. I use Arccos to track what ball I use for each round of golf.
  4. 嗯,你可以闻到的单宁多核。有球乡村俱乐部的侍酒师的位置吗?我要主机采访。色,霞多丽的好年份是什么?
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