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  1. 似乎你救了一些钱在EBAY上购买但失去了内心的平静。你会购买更多的俱乐部从EBAY或再这种情况下阻止你购买吗?
  2. 很棒的选择有力的反驳。页是我最喜欢的三浦的柔软的感觉和宽恕。你没有想去的黑色硼结束?
  3. 很高兴你发现了一些RB7。我们也可以给你。
  4. 新舞台布景设计者高尔夫鞋即将到Fairwaygolfusa.com。我们检查舞台布景设计者的新照片,你觉得怎么样?好,包和/或丑吗?
  5. Volvik高尔夫球最高年级的高尔夫球可以在Fairwaygolfusa.com同样厌倦了玩球吗?也许是时候改变。Volvik是一个成功的韩国公司专注于尖端的设计和材料,生产世界上最高的高尔夫球。在Fairwaygolfusa.com Volvik iV,夫人350年,水晶高尔夫球在股票准备船。我们也可以特殊订单其他Volvik高尔夫球。Volvik独特的专利技术使我们在高尔夫球的创新领导者,不仅是市场上最高质量的颜色高尔夫球,但是高质量的高尔夫球无论颜色。Volvik球都极力测试提供无与伦比的耐用性和旨在最大化能量转移,导致更大的距离。我们也使用更高等级的材料和生产过程中没有人行业利用由于其高成本。我们的座右铭是€œWe使用更高等级的材料更低Scoresa€,再多的钱会否认我们从制造业在世界上表现最好的高尔夫球。无数的风洞实验和测试帮助我们完美的酒窝的设计提供了一个优越的飞行。 Volvik has 15 worldwide patents on our 492, 432, 446, 392 and 350 dimple technology and we have perfected a technology to enhance resistance to wind and added elasticity to our golf balls to make them fly further and more accurately. Minimizing the drag during ball flight suppresses a slice, maximizing both distance and accuracy. World's First Patented Dual Core Volvik's high resilient dual core optimized with its more solid inner core provides high energy transfer of power from the inner core for maximum distance. This world leading technology is the world's first patent and covers the USA, UK, Japan and Korea. The dual core optimizes distance by transferring the power from the more solid inner core to the softer outer layer instead of transferring inertia from a soft inner core to a solid outer layer like the competition. The outer layer also reduces excess driver spin, increasing the moment of inertia and centrifugal force, leading to more distance and more roll. • Bismuth Mixed Outer Core The outer core of the golf ball that contributes a great source of power, Bismuth, is compressed in a high temperature heating treatment. Unlike normal metal, Bismuth expands 3-3.5% in volume, leading to greater energy transfer. • Zirconium Compound Cover Zirconium is the base material for ceramic and improves durability of a golf ball cover without sacrificing spin control. Volvik combines zirconium metal in the outer cover to provide exceptional spin control and durability, while the patented elastic inner cover provides an excellent putting feel and optimal spin rates. Volvik Vista iV Golf Balls The Highest Grade 4-Piece Ball. Period. • The #1 Color Golf Ball on Tour • This 4-piece ball provides the best playability for tour players and advanced golfers. • World leading technology with 12 patents for the US, UK, Japan and Korea. • Soft impact and feel and longer flight distance is achieved by double layered core: a soft outer layer and a hard inner core. • Excellent putting feel and optimal spin rates made possible by more durable and powerful Zirconium Z-I Cover. • Improved flight stability designed 392 Cube-Octahedron dimple pattern. • 95 Compression, 64 Cover Hardness Optimal for 80-120 MPH Swing Speed • Available in Pink, Orange, Green, Yellow - Wayne
  6. 他们是太有限数量吗?我们将收到1…昂贵的!
  7. 所以,你怎么想?他们是为你吗?限量发行GoLo N7 Tour-inspired我们说,广受欢迎的GoLo锤。扭曲的,超调,两个模型。的GoLo N7是略大的模型。Scotty使得全球1000块可用歧视球员寻找最新的高功率的苏格兰狗卡梅隆把机械。精密研磨和组装Scotty确切的规格,你会发现活泼的设计辅以一种阳极化处理的樱桃底板,战舰灰色、黄色和白色的油漆方案,和一个完美的匹配,手抛光轴环。Pistolero白色闪电握和弹道headcover把这祭上场了。规范阁楼:4º的谎言:71º长度:34一个€³头材料:完全磨303不锈钢抵消:一轴限量发行GoLo它们被我们说Tour-inspired,广受欢迎的GoLo锤。扭曲的,超调,两个模型。 The GoLo N5 is the slightly smaller cousin to the fuller GoLo N7. Scotty has made 1,000 pieces available worldwide for the discriminating player seeking the latest piece of high powered Scotty Cameron putting machinery. Precision milled and assembled to Scotty's exact specifications, you'll find the racy design complimented by an anodized cherry soleplate, battleship gray, yellow and white paint scheme, and a perfectly matched, hand polished shaft ring. The Pistolero White Lightning grip and ballistic headcover send this offering into overdrive. Specifications Loft : 4º Lie : 71º Length : 34″ Head material : Entirelly milled from 303 stainless steel Offset : One Shaft
  8. 路要走!漂亮的三浦混合,挑剔的口味。我认为他们比受欢迎的混合动力车更好看,如果我将扮演一个,这将是它!韦恩
  9. 在Fairwaygolfusa.com上,我们有超过100个cpo RM-11楔形可供购买。楔形在抛光和黑色完成与日本黄金(NS)和动态(DG)轴。下面列出的可用性,价格从69美元到99美元根据条件。将您的订单时请邮件或电话。他们快速移动,所以尽快行动。RM-11 (P) DG 48/06 RM-11 (P) DG 50/08 RM-11 (P) DG 52/08 RM-11 (P) DG 54/10 RM-11 (P) DG 56/08 RM-11 (P) DG 56/12 RM-11 (P) DG 58/08 RM-11 (P) DG 58/12 RM-11 (P) DG 60/08 RM-11 (P) NS 48/06 RM-11 (P) NS 50/08 RM-11 (P) NS 52/08 RM-11 (P) NS 54/10 RM-11 (P) NS 56/08 RM-11 (P) NS 56/12 RM-11 (P) NS 58/08 RM-11 (P) NS 58/12 RM-11 (P) NS 60/08 RM-11(黑色)DG 48/06 RM-11(黑色)DG 50/08 RM-11(黑色)DG 52/08 RM-11(黑色)DG 54/10 RM-11(黑色)DG 56/08 RM-11(黑色)DG 56/12 RM-11(黑色)DG 58/08 RM-11(黑色)DG 58/12 RM-11(黑色)DG 60/08 RM-11(黑色)NS 48/06 RM-11(黑色)NS 50/08 RM-11(黑色)NS 52/08 RM-11(黑色)NS 54/10 RM-11(黑色)NS 56/08 RM-11(黑色)NS 56/12 RM-11(黑色)NS 58/08 RM-11(黑色)NS 58/12 RM-11(黑色)NS 60/08 RM-11 LH DG RM-11 LH DG RM-11 LH 56/12 58/12 52/08
  10. Aerotech轴是复合芯用钢纤维(59英里),而反冲轴纯石墨。我们认为,创建一个更严厉的比反冲轴轴。我们的许多客户都感到惊讶,他们适合i95与i110或i125 ....马特Kuchar和布兰德Snedeker i95僵硬。我认为i110s有些苛刻,i95s感觉更好....这是每个人的感觉呢?
  11. 与几个旅游专业转向Aerotech钢纤维复合铁轴,你必须问问自己,他们是为我吗?他们提供各种模型从——到i125,每个轴都有一个高模数石墨核心和包装59公里的钢纤维一根头发丝一样细。结果,优秀的控制动态高尔夫钢一样,等。旅游球员包括布兰德Snedeker,马特•Kuchar瑞安·摩尔,达伦·克拉克,Retief Goosen和杰克·尼克劳斯。可以在Fairwaygolfusa.com包括i80 i95、Ami99 i110和i125。他们的双刃大轴已经赢得了MAX远射冠军。你准备好改变这些复合轴?几个工作人员交换和爱他们的....——wayne@fairwaygolf.com
  12. 漂亮的效用。我们演示了4/15,可供预订。我们的货物将到5月中旬。——wayne@fairwaygolf.com
  13. 看着新色,712 u效用熨斗,你会从你的混合开关吗?建设一个€¢伪造、空心效用铁与周边焊接面临€“伪造1025钢体€”薄,高强度,455钢面插入一个€“镀铬,磨光€”需要锥尖铁轴性能€¢改善长铁平台€“速度越高,锻造叶片的球员一个€¢更深的CG providesa€€”¦更多轨迹控制(高、低)€“更稳定/高莫伊和MB & CB(略低于AP2)€¢改善地面互动€“更广泛的唯一有效的各种各样的攻击角度€“半径唯一干净的地盘交互€¢前后弯曲,脚跟一个半径€¢改善地址资料€”优先于腔长铁有抵消€”添加信心通过略大剖面vs MB / CB€¢叶片长度和偏移量与AP2€¢阁楼和长度一样MB, CB, AP2一个€¢谎言角+ 0.5°,wayne@fairwaygolf.com
  14. 我们刚一看新的卡拉威X热3深Pro球道森林!现在很好,可用!X热3深航道木材产品来自旅游玩家的偏好更面临3木。伪造的脸杯速度增加球的速度坐标系面临的脸,和更深层次的脸,低重心设计减少旋转和巨大提供更强的球飞行距离无处不在。更深层次的脸一看旅游玩家喜欢,和它产生更加一致的穿透飞行距离无处不在。一个€¢元素所占权重较大,内部项目的负责人唯一向脸成杯的面积€¢发射和低自旋为低于X热箴球道木€¢增加球速度的脸更长时间,更加一致的距离一个€¢由455木匠钢比传统不锈钢产生更快的球速度€¢更深的脸创建首选看地址的三通更新设计构建了一个有史以来最多才多艺的球道森林生产允许更多动态拍摄塑造各种各样的谎言ClubLoftFace AngleLieLengthClubhead VolumeHead WeightSwing WeightLeft Hand1313A°Open55A 43.5°“185 cc210gd3yes14.514.5a°Open55A°43.5”180 cc210gd3no项目X速度ModelFlexWeightTorqueKickpointProject Velocity5.570gMidHighProject X Velocity6.071gMidHighProject Velocity6.575gMidHigh——Wayne@fairwaygolf.com
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