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  • 生日01/20/1962


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    91 - 100英里
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  1. 我不买高尔夫球。我通常使用1或2每一轮高尔夫球。我通常走路当我玩,找到至少1新箴言。有时发现球在水里,但它有不到1星期。我见过的斯奈尔视频他声称高尔夫球能吸收水。所以我把一个全新的球我发现,体重。然后我把它放在水中。24小时后,体重增加可以忽略不计。然而,1周后,高尔夫球重1克。后让球坐在椅子上工作了一个星期,回到它的原始重量。 I have never seen a performance difference, but would love to see MyGolfSpy Lab do the test.
  2. 用我问遵循6个月了。我的观察是:1。处理是极其脆弱的。我个人的观点(不是一个工程师),伞没有恰当地考虑到山的设计。我住在德克萨斯州和10-15mph的微风。当我有我的雨伞防止雨水和阳光,我可以看到处理扭曲当风吹。第一件事,是在处理实际的雨伞挂载。他们取代部分,然后处理了中途岛。他们取代了处理和山又坏了。现在3个月,我不使用雨伞。 I carry the umbrella to protect myself. This sucks because I must open and close the umbrella with every shot. However, nothing has cracked or broke since. 2. Because the cart is light in weight (a definite plus for lifting) your clubs make the unit as a whole, top heavy. The slightest incline and the cart leans back on the stabilizer wheels. The problem is, if you try to steer (or are in follow mode) while the cart is leaning back, it over steers because there is no weight on the front wheels. They do have a mode that reduces steering reaction, but if the front wheels are down, it takes 30 yards to make the slightest direction change. 3. When there is dew on the ground in the morning, you have to hold the cart while going up hill. If not, one wheel will loose traction, forcing the cart to turn side hill and then it falls over dumping all your stuff on the ground. I still think it can be the best cart on the market. They need to beef up the handle and get weight over the front wheels. I think if they had the motors and drive wheels out front it would balance out better.
  3. 谢谢每一个人。我将查看商业地毯的路线。我应该提及我没有一个单独的空间区域,人造草皮。我还需要一个表面可以躺下和拉伸。丰田汽车地毯吗?有趣的
  4. 这听起来可能奇怪但我建立一个家庭健身房和试图找到一种有效的表面加上,我可以练习。我的计划就是去地板供应商,试图找到一个解决方案,但想也许别人经历了试验和错误。
  5. TonyG奥斯汀TX 95英里萍G410 LST岁橙色R n。箴最后一俱乐部石墨
  6. 我们有一个年度事件50人。任何一个公司,他们会建议做赠品(毛巾,袋标签,球标记等)?
  7. 托尼·奥斯汀,德克萨斯是的,每周36洞是的,Clicgear 3.5
  8. griecot313


    指南加快步伐玩你想要更快的玩吗?使这些建议管理。它开始当高尔夫球手第一次到达。专卖店的工作人员应该告诉高尔夫球手“我们争取,希望球员保持4小时的速度”(或者无论你决定高尔夫球场)是可以接受的。他们应该再给他们一个建议卡片,如果时间卡口头。# 1看当你踢开球伴侣。如果一个球可能是丢失了,打了一个临时的。# 2有可能输了球的玩家。点在一个区域,然后打你。大多数时候,他们会发现球在自己的而其他的组。如果不是,球可能是一个谎言,是不可能发展。 #3 Remind golfers that the USGA allows only 3 minutes to find a ball. By the time the others in the group have hit, 3 minutes will probably have expired. (Sound cruel? Again, if the ball isn’t easy to find, it is probably impossible to hit.) Now, train your “Player Assistants” how to assist players. When they identify a group that is falling behind, simply telling them “you are 5 minutes behind”, is NOT assisting them. They need to become a forecaddie to the group. They tell the group “hey guys, you are falling a little behind, I am going to help you get back on track”. The Assistant then drives down the fairway and watches their tee shots. If someone hits the ball offline, go find it and place a small flag by the ball. If your carts do not supply yardages, let them know what their distance is when they arrive. Fill their divots, rake their bunkers, fix ball marks. Usually, within one hole, they are back on pace. Some groups may get annoyed at this process and speed up just to get rid of you. Others will respond favorably and speed up because of your help. Either way, the result is faster play. If the group does get annoyed, remind the Player Assistant – better to annoy one group then the 20 behind them. If you don’t have fancy tracking on your carts, enlist the beverage cart person to help. If they see an open hole, call the Player Assistant on the radio and let them know. From a maintenance standpoint, make sure the rough is maintained at a reasonable height for your clientele and leaves are picked up. None of this will help you if golfers can’t find their ball a foot off the fairway. I never had a problem with slow play using this plan. Pretty soon your course will gain a reputation that you do not accept slow play. Responsible golfers will appreciate it, slow players will go elsewhere.
  9. TonyG奥斯汀德州走/播放每周三和周六我的高尔夫伙伴苹果看数吗?如果没有,没有当前的设备。
  10. TonyG奥斯汀,TX全年进行了一次户外绿色介质
  11. TonyG德克萨斯州奥斯汀/ 5障碍Taylormade P790
  12. 5障碍,奥斯汀,TX Taylormade P790(新版本)石墨硬轴,145码我知道Sub70的一切,我从MyGolfSpy。直接向消费者,优质的产品,良好的测试结果。我有讨论尝试。我喜欢看,抵消和阁楼的规格。
  13. 托尼•格雷科/奥斯汀TX司机但更喜欢440 100英里每小时
  14. 有谁知道一个好的应用程序,将跟踪多个组的分数输入也给你净吗?我们通常有12至16球员后,我不得不坐在那里,找出赌注而其他人饮料和交往。我见过免费应用程序(18小鸟),一个四人组和订阅应用程序做多个组,但这些廉价的混蛋不会花钱把它放在他们的手机。
  15. 那些家伙打扰的热量但想走,可以考虑添加三件事。我在德克萨斯州100 +然而,我有一个反射的太阳伞,冷却器保持大约10度。我也有一个小的冷却器和水和冰(当然不介意它只是水)。然后我把一个小保湿毛巾在冷却器的底部。我擦我的脸和脖子,冰凉的毛巾,我感觉棒极了。我也已经预定Alphard V2我的购物车。

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