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  1. 日期07/08/2023课程名称西洛锡安高尔夫俱乐部总分数77课程障碍严重中风/ /净得分低于标准杆6 par 4净得分67净小鸟或更好的最长3开270俱乐部锦标赛周末拍摄77年36的推杆。绿党已经割和熨至少1更多的工作比当我周四了。我是自重推杆,球看起来但一旦他们减缓了远离洞。今天的第二轮再次拍摄83年36我通常平均28的推杆。嗯……
  2. 好的你自找的。不仅在苏格兰,英国所有的传统的屠夫创造了所谓的“布丁”非动物的主要部分。屠夫没有透露具体食谱但3最著名的是白色的布丁,黑布丁当然哈吉斯。他们都是国家的一部分煮早餐。苏格兰=培根,香肠,煎蛋、豆类、蘑菇和哈吉斯英语=改变哈吉斯黑布丁吃哈吉斯的传统方法是用土豆泥和捣碎的萝卜(瑞典)。这被称为哈吉斯和萝卜苏格兰的民族诗人Rabbie伯恩斯(往时)庆祝生日是在1月25日在苏格兰与当地社会和团体牵着燃烧的晚餐将哈吉斯和萝卜和烤面包片的威士忌。大型哈吉斯(通常是羊的胃袋包裹)将管道(袋piper)进入宴会厅,主持人将背诵燃烧的诗“地址哈吉斯”在破裂之前打开用刀。是以前我在文章中说,现在作为原料,是常见的牛排巴尔莫勒尔或鸡肉巴尔莫勒尔曾在餐馆。这是奶油汁牛排或鸡肉配上一杯威士忌和哈吉斯塞或床上。也作为一个起动哈吉斯好法国公债传统的哈吉斯是用羊的胃袋但这不再很常见,但你仍然可以从屠夫。 The supermarkets stock it either in a synthetic skin or in slices and in various sizes. For me I sometime buy the slices and grill or fry them and put them in a roll/bun. Long before McDonalds or KFC came to Scotland, post war an influx of Italians came to Scotland. The original Scottish fast food was the Italian chippie, Fish Supper (Fish and Chips); deep fried Fish in batter with thick cut deep fried potatoes (not crisps). Their menu evolved to deep frying everything with Chips, black pudding, quarter of chicken, PIZZA, chocolate and of course Haggis. This is also probably why Scotland leads the World in the level of Chronic Heart Disease. Like many foods there is good Haggis and bad. The key in my view is the moisture, too dry and it disintegrates during cooking, too moist and it feels gooey in your mouth. If you find a good butcher that makes a good one you go back to him. Do I eat it all the time, sitting in my kilt and saying "Och Aye the noo" like in Brig a doon, no but I probably have it once or twice a month. Before you get too judgemental I would suggest you look at where some of your "locally" produced food comes from and how it is produced. Burgers and Sausages can hide anything. And it is definitely more exciting than playing Mini Golf.
  3. 你cannae打好煮熟的哈吉斯,我最喜欢的是一个鸡胸肉塞满,覆盖着威士忌的酱汁。
  4. 为什么人们认为高尔夫球手喜欢打迷你高尔夫。我讨厌它。你玩一个推杆,通常有脱落,太小,容不下你。球通常是像砖一样坚硬通常一块线程裸露的地毯上你要击球那么辛苦你不可能的目标。通常球最终靠墙或关闭课程但是我妻子会问如果我想玩它,当我们通过一门课程!想法吗?
  5. 日期06/29/2023课程名称Harburn GC总分数77课程障碍10总值中风/ par净得分3 par得分67净小鸟或更好的最长7驱动0
  6. 前往我的1 /设置,改变了木材headcovers看看我喜欢黑色和红色的比红色和白色。我发现的一件事是,我玩一轮,我袋子里改变了俱乐部的位置让他们更为明显和更好的命令
  7. 日期06/08/2023课程名称Bathgate GC总分数77课程障碍9毛中风/ /净得分低于标准杆6 3 par净得分68净小鸟或更好的最长6开281
  8. 评论- 2023年6月工匠Headcovers官方论坛阿尔夫的审查。年代介绍铁覆盖似乎把高尔夫社区,有爱人和仇敌。我不确定许多仇敌将通过我的介绍这里。我是一个62岁的退休人员的中央带在苏格兰格拉斯哥和爱丁堡之间方便地放置高尔夫,圣安德鲁斯,东洛锡安(Muirfield),南埃尔郡(Troon和Turnberry)和安格斯(Carnoustie)都在2小时车程。我家是公园,西洛锡安高尔夫俱乐部坐落在给福斯的观点在横笛,一直到低音岩石和山上的苏格兰北部的斯特灵。我的工作背景在微电子学所以我规划管理技术爱好者和对细节的关注。我平均每周3 - 4轮;每周竞争,反弹游戏与朋友和我会和被自己几轮时,当然是安静的。自从我十几岁的时候开始我一直在玩社会高尔夫但过去20年中我有竞争力。当然我喜欢看起来不错,我喜欢我的俱乐部和我的包好看。 I mostly use an electric trolley when I play and have a selection of cart bags that I use throughout the year, I match my woods covers, putter cover, towel, rangefinder case and hybrid headcovers to the bag. Yes, I’m really that pedantic. Below is my current setup with the Srixon iron covers out of retirement for the duration of the review. During the testing I will be looking at · The look of the headcovers with my 3 different bag setups. · How easy they are to get on and off the clubs. When hitting an iron, I usually slide the head cover onto my umbrella handle, does it fit? · Are they secure on my clubs and is the closing mechanism good quality? · Water ingress and trapping of water on the clubs. Every time I buy new irons, I buy a new set of iron covers, usually neoprene with the manufacturer’s logo. They stay on my clubs for about 2 weeks then go back into the garage, they will then come out on an annual basis only to be returned to the garage after 2 weeks. I can do all the testing in the world on these but ultimately it will come down to the look and useability of the headcovers for me to decide if they will become part of my bag setup. For the test I want Craftsman to convince me that I want to keep them on my clubs. First Impressions (9 out of 10) I went for the Colorful Embroidery Number Iron Head Cover Set Craftsman were also good enough to also provide me with a set of wedge covers Colorful Embroidery Protective White Leather Wedge Iron Headcover 52° 56° 60° They arrived as promised securely wrapped and in A1 condition. On unwrapping and first inspection all the covers were in perfect condition. Comparing them to the neoprene covers I currently have they are far superior in quality and design. With the iron set you get 7 iron covers (3i to 9i) and 5 wedges (PE, AW, SW and 2 x LW) which should support most iron set ups. I’m afraid to say, not mine which uniquely has a 52 and an AW. But this was basically the reason for asking for the wedge set. The Velcro closing on first inspection looks a bit flimsy and will need testing to insured it is secure. The fit on most clubs was very good but like most iron covers when you get to the wedges they can look a bit mis-shape, and this is the case with Craftsman Putting these slight niggles aside my initial impressions are very positive and award them 9 out of 10.
  9. 日期05/29/2023课程名称西洛锡安高尔夫俱乐部总分数总值76课程障碍9中风/ /标准杆5净得分par 4净得分67净小鸟或更好的最长6开270爆发的低迷。可爱的今天70 'f和微风。课程越来越激烈。触及甜7我为第一考虑是把小鸟,球跑透,留下了一个艰难的芯片,我毒打了一倍。
  10. 日期05/28/2023课程名称西洛锡安高尔夫俱乐部总分数88课程障碍9毛中风/ / par 17净得分par最长8净得分79净小鸟或更好的4开270分数没有告诉这个故事。大风的一天(西风高达30英里)的课程打干和硬。与西方的风我总是觉得课程难,长4 s为风和短的风。大量的铁,混合动力车和3 w方法这意味着爬溢价,不幸的是我似乎短边自己90%的时间使它不可能接近甚至召唤我内心的菲尔。经过2个月的挣扎在贫困球的最后2轮一直非常积极。虽然不是得分我至少基础重建和乐观。
  11. 在玩我的儿子和他的前海军陆战队老兵伴侣在我的家,它发生在我们的地方。第三是320码par 4球卷穿过绿色当我们把第四土地greenside地堡,第五再次340码狗腿球飞过狗腿和草地上的土地上。我们6日三通等待他们,说他们可以通过,因为他们几乎达到美国3次,这家伙开始跟我争论玩透,并试图说附近的球没有我们。与此同时,前海军陆战队员被问“我可以只是打他”。不用说,这是我们最后一次看到他们。
  12. 我有2管和一个蓬松的袋子。管子以20球和粗毛袋约80。粗毛袋我往往只使用在院子里凿和让我凿节奏重复,我。e我将达到80球建立我的信心在院子里大约一个小时。我使用不同的1的管。热身,我将使用一个管2核心球,打5 - 10驱动器,5 - 7。虽然这些从不同的t恤我点击球60 - 30码的绿色练习。然后我球场20球到绿色。然后芯片,错过的绿色。2。我填满2管彩色卡拉威超软性或威尔逊两球,每个颜色的10。 I can then hit 10 balls, change something and hit another 10 and hopefully see the dispersion and distance difference when I collect them. 3. I fill one tube with my gamer ball, this is mainly for short game practise or gapping practise
  13. 抱歉刚刚看到这一点。你还想要一些信息吗?
  14. 日期05/23/2023课程名称西洛锡安高尔夫俱乐部总分数77课程障碍9毛中风/ /净得分低于标准杆6 3 par净得分68净小鸟或更好的最长6开260我已经有一点很难的课程无论在心理上还是身体上。周六走后8 4输了球之后,一连串的坏照片;片拉,上衣,长腿。经过一些灵魂搜索昨天周末回来了。烧起来在前面但9是一个试验。
  15. 日期05/14/2023课程名称西洛锡安高尔夫俱乐部总分数82课程障碍9毛中风/ / par 11净得分par - 2得分73净小鸟或更好2最长驾驶275不公布分数一段时间因为演奏matchplay裂缝也很多。昨天,开始打好一点。强调是我17日一样把我开车离开它反弹的边界墙离开我一个挂200码。把我3 h离开再次碰壁,结束了绿色。然后继续吹奏出的小鸟球。
  16. 日期04/13/2023课程名称西洛锡安高尔夫俱乐部总分数78课程障碍9毛中风/ / par 7净得分par - 2得分69净小鸟或更好的最长5驱动器0周二玩后就像我从来没有举行俱乐部今天又出了一个受人尊敬的78年。打得很好,除了小3、4和5。开车的成本是2双打和单一的妖怪。输了球削减到金雀花,3日4日拉进沟一个点球和推动5阻塞的树木和没有接受我的惩罚。
  17. 添加组的赞美@Golfspy_TCB,非常喜欢在这种竞争和可能已经使我完成轮当我将NR或装在,这样我可以记录一个分数。谢谢
  18. 日期03/31/2023课程名称西洛锡安高尔夫俱乐部总分数71课程障碍6毛中风/ / par 7净净得分分数票面65小鸟或更好的最长3开280坠毁燃烧的时候,1 /前面9,然后把就冷了。把当我打出低于标准杆的球来时10日和14日,3排拖鞋,两唇。16对我来说是一个有趣的洞,一杆进洞在1月底,从那以后,我已经把3个球OB过去5轮。我们现在在夏天为我最后一轮明天这些紧张,惩罚性的par 3 s将不复存在。所以我下个星期会有一个新的借口。
  19. 日期03/27/2023课程名称西洛锡安高尔夫俱乐部总分数74课程障碍6毛中风/ / par净得分标准4分数68净小鸟或更好的最长5开283一天的好但是我愚蠢的错误成本。虽然课程设置仍在短,真正有几个洞惩罚性如果你犯了错。双6日和8日三没办法回头了。还是一个非常好的春天没有风的下午就意味着我不应该抱怨。我们想搬到夏天布局本周周六第一竞争。报告是夏天的至少2只洞仍然很软所以还有待观察。
  20. 日期03/23/2023课程名称西洛锡安高尔夫俱乐部总分数76课程障碍5毛中风/ / par 12净得分par最长7净得分71净小鸟或更好的4开271伟大的开始,par第一4、5日不幸的妖怪,然后轮子掉下来,失去了6和10球,失去了兴趣。麻烦真正开始在停车场,我8岁Powakaddy不会启动所以不得不使用一个推手推车。我们有几个大的山14日我到达山顶的时候,我完全被粉碎。完成了柏忌,三,par,小鸟,标准。
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