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  • ga_pike
  • m·帕森斯
  • GaDawg


  • 生日9月8日


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3.9 k


  1. 大多数的这个线程是一个讨论P里德的*嵌入式球周六是它自己的评论P里德*。“IDGAF有人认为“小丑邀请争论每一次他在一个比赛。我只有亲自感受看到P里德在周一练习圆2016年的美国大师赛。那天我们看到大量的球员,他们是在一个三人玩的每一个过程。99%的球员完成了他们的实践截至下午4点。我们正在向出口在一天结束的时候,决定坐下来休息一分钟5日在看台的绿色。所有的球员都经历了,我们认为它是,但大约10分钟后又来了一个独奏播放器和他的球童,让他的第五个绿色的方法。自己这是P里德。我哥哥和我认为这既奇怪又独自悲伤,这家伙玩的最后一天没有其他玩家和99%的“顾客”已经离开。我说所有这一切在一天结束的时候说,你是否支持或反对P里德所做的对还是错嵌入了他的球,老兄可能赢得50前5专业比赛和他挂起来。 But his legacy will be that no one will care what he did in golf history and he’ll be old and alone when he dies with zero friends and a mantle full of worthless trophies that he wouldn’t be able to pawn for 5 cents on ebay, because no one wants anything to do with a lifelong cheater and thief. Frankly, maybe he’ll go out like Clifford Roberts did.
  2. 好,现在他真的和我性交。
  3. 我的朋友有一个生病的幽默感。在过去一年左右的时间里,我们已经成为球迷的嘲笑布赖森DeChambeau;主要是因为我们认为他是一个巨人toolbag。当布赖森气呼呼地和泡芙之前触及驱动我们彼此将文本类似,”绿巨人粉碎! ! !“当布赖森在森林里打一个我们说,”绿巨人难过!“布赖森错过推杆时我们说,”绿巨人生气!“基本上我们喜欢嘲笑他,因为,他很容易取笑。不管怎样,他一直告诉我他让我一个圣诞礼物,,都是兴奋。他一直告诉我它被推迟了,我当时想,好吧,等等。并不是真的寻找或想要什么。所以我今天早上出现,他递给我,说,“圣诞快乐!”,他告诉我,我必须显示这个房子里。就像我说的,生病的幽默感。
  4. 所以我们今天早上开球后三人。这是车路径,昨天我们有大量的雨。所以,当车路径只有我才走。我认为这更走在每一个镜头,从马车到你的球和球道。不管怎样,我走在第三个洞,100码三通和有一个全新的AVX只是坐在那里。太酷了!所以我挖起来,把它贴在我的口袋里。我们6号洞,同样的事情,一个全新的从发球台AVX大约100码。太酷了!另一个4美元的金块在我口袋里。 I’m walking towards the 13th green and notice a ball in the creek. I grab my wedge and scoop this one out and sure enough it’s another AVX! So in the course of walking 18 holes I picked up an entirely new sleeve of Titleist AVX! I found about 3 other balls as well, but I think the dude in front of me was just too lazy to walk out into the middle of the fairway for a missed tee shot. Thanks for the donations, dude!
  5. 至于打轮独奏,而与他人打轮,而不是能够独奏,我只是说我独自更好玩,因为我只是击球,和去我的下一个镜头,我不需要暂停并等待任何人。所以我的节拍和节奏时更好玩独奏(通常)。另外,因为你不需要等待别人,或者找别人的输了球,你不会分散注意力从自己的游戏。我相信等待,分心,镜头之间的暂停,等待别人在你的组织,是一个巨大的因素如何得分,以及为什么我玩更好的独奏(一般)。这也是为什么我认为我的个人最好成绩,我玩过时更好的发布与伙伴玩耍,与轮,我独自得分。例如,我拍摄71六次在我的生命中。仅三人,与他人和他们三个回合。其中的两个71年的比赛。我最值世界杯轮,和71年代我拍不一样好,纯粹因为我上面提到的无形当别人玩。虽然我突破,上个月69,这一轮肯定脱颖而出以外的其他方式,但它是在一组,所以它很容易我最好的一轮高尔夫球。 Taking it ever further, lately I've gone to not even keeping score when I play solo, and consider it just practice, and I'll intentionally throw down a 2nd ball from various spots, just to invalidate the round played by myself. I take that opportunity to work on my game, and refine certain clubs and shots. Heck, I went out the other week with two new wedges and played 9 holes where I dropped 3 balls from two different wedge distances, just to break in these two new wedges. I might have "played" nine holes, but I think I hit over 70 shots. And none of those shots were putts, as I just picked up all the balls on the green, and didn't bother putting, as that was not why I was out there. Sandbagging within clubs, and in other tournaments will always be an issue. There are a few guys at my club that I play with regularly and I know their GHIN handicap is fake. They refuse to post low rounds when they play them, and they'll often go 2 months between posting rounds, even though they play 3 or 4 times a week. But when we have money on the line we always negotiate the strokes and bet so that it's fair amongst us. I just refuse to play with certain guys in tournaments not at our home course, because I know these few guys will always wind up right at the top of the leaderboard of any net event. But it's also one of the reasons why I shy away from net events. I'd prefer to play someone straight up, mano a mano, versus me giving strokes and having to continually write down net birdies on every other hole from a guy who is getting 8-10 shots per round, and ends up beating me straight up. It's also hard to compete against that, because I just finished playing in a net best ball tournament, where the course rating was 68, and my course handicap ended up being ZERO because my 3.2 index was a 0 course handicap with that rating. I was playing a course I had never played before, against guys that knew that course like the back of their hand and were getting those 8-10 strokes. Well, their net 69 absolutely destroyed my 77. It's easy to shoot that 69 when you just par a hole and take the birdie, and keep the double bogeys to a minimum when you are stroking. But yeah, the USGA doesn't police the GHIN, and there will be sandbaggers for as long as the game of golf is played.
  6. 我住在弗吉尼亚州利早在2000年代初和有很好的经验与VSGA和VIP卡。过去几年我在网上保持障碍通过FSGA的障碍,这是一样的你会得到什么,如果你属于一个当地的俱乐部,它是通过GHIN手机应用程序和网站相同,等等。我将想象VSGA设置一样通过FSGA在佛罗里达。我属于一个俱乐部在格鲁吉亚,选择移动GHIN账户通过当地的俱乐部,现在,唯一的区别是,我通过GSGA GHIN维护。时我有一个登录问题转换我的账户到当地的俱乐部,和GSGA固定我的问题的联系,并没有参与当地的俱乐部。所以从本质上讲,即使你有GHIN障碍与当地俱乐部,你仍然会处理VSGA成绩或帖子,如果你有问题或者任何与你的GHIN帐户。整个USGA GHIN网络维护由国家高尔夫球协会,取决于你住在哪个州。希望这个有帮助。
  7. 一个朋友告诉我他的事务有很多片面的垃圾来自拉斯维加斯的金发女郎。谢谢,但我通过国家询问报》风格垃圾电视。
  8. 通过你的文章很难解释,但是你是根据你的意见的波动在发射显示器,一个与每一个俱乐部吗?有很多俱乐部,成本不到1 k美元每集。现在的问题是供应。我试着订购几平熨斗和他们目前的等待时间是3 - 4个月交付。螺丝。我将老和死之前那些俱乐部。说到萍,如果你适合他们的铁,你可以订购一个俱乐部,以减轻经济的打击。和125美元俱乐部你可以选择当你想要得到什么。我建议看看本霍根高尔夫,但是再一次,这是另一个品牌的股票现在很多设备。但是你可以从他们那里得到一整套远远小于1 k美元。这是一个疯狂的想法。 I've got an old set of PING Eye irons that are standard loft and lie, and in decent shape, from the 80's, and still hit really well. I just had them regripped. Name your price and I'll send them to you. They will certainly cost you a lot less than $1k. Alternative #2. I've got a set of Callaway Razr-X Forged irons - 6 through gap wedge that are in great shape and will cost you a lot less than $1k. Same deal - name your price and I'll send them to you.
  9. 得爱丁。一个伟大的平衡在现代历史上最保守的法官。华体会会员登录
  10. 嗯,真的不是神经,这是近乎愚蠢。11孔相当5,我被一个降低中间,然后抽4木前面两个边缘。我基本上有一个鹰推杆回正确的销。我在边缘效应,推杆,看上去要球的背面绿色,这给我留下了非常艰苦的芯片回针,这是塞比处女更* * * * *对后面的绿色。所以我得失败,希望它停止,并不需要巨大的斜坡,将球向绿色的前面。实际上我完成芯片的大部分,它滴6 - 7英尺以下洞。但我仍然two-putt柏忌。前面的绿色在两个,走了柏忌。我几乎完成之后,巨大的教训在可怕的课程管理。教训,不要太贪心,希望鹰那么糟糕,导致彻底的洞。 I don't think I could have played that hole any worse after two glorious shots to get to the green in two.
  11. 我保留得分Garmin GPS手表,它告诉你多少或下你。但在这一点上对我来说不是太难找到。我有两个柏忌和两个小鸟在前面九,上下,一个漂亮的par 10日的地堡。但是,是的,我把你要去的地方。他们总是说无知是福。
  12. 当你工作、工作、工作,你出去玩,工作似乎蒸发在第一洞当你开车到地堡。哦不,但它不是足够好,成为掩体,它来休息就在背面唇,所以你甚至不能得到贵社的球不采取一些可笑愚蠢的摇摆。所以你最好在掩体后面的抨击它,你勉强将球向掩体的前面。现在是休息的,前面的唇将迫使你发挥很高的腾空的俱乐部走出掩体。所以你俱乐部和流行,留给自己的一些荒谬的谎言30码前的绿色。芯片你做最大的努力,但球埋,所以泥泞你块大约10码。现在你已经有了一个紧密的谎言面前销。与你的记忆好,刚从分割你的最后一球,你会和刀片下楔形绿色镜头,进入松草下面绿色背后的树。螺丝,你说,我已经受够了这个不可能的洞,我为自己挖。所以你满口大话,你向树。 Your ball is seated up against the tree now, so that you can't even take a full swing, and you'll be luck to get it on the green. Impossible you say! You take one big angry swipe at the ball and you top it and it bounces about 5 yards ahead of you into the rough again. You're still off the green and in nasty rough. Screw it you say, and grab your putter. You're so mad at this point that you just swipe at the ball and you let it rip. Once again your ball takes off and it seemingly looks back at you and laughs as it skips across the green like a virgin on prom night and ends up in the greenside bunker on the other side of the green. No, no, no. This cannot be possible. Your ball comes to rest against the back lip of the bunker, essentially unplayable. Your blood pressure is boiling now. You haven't even finished the first hole, and you've long ago lost track of how many strokes you've taken on this hellish hole. You look at your ball; you're ready to explode. You break your putter shaft over your knee, and you bend over, pick up your ball, and throw it in the woods. You march off in a huff towards the cart. "My ball's in pocket," you quietly say to your playing partners. Your group finishes out the hole while you quietly stew in the cart. Your buddy puts his clubs in his bag, and sits down in the cart next to you and asks, "what should I put down for your score on that hole?" "Give me a five."

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