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  • 生日09/30/1961


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    91 - 100英里
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  1. 我只有2在那里所以我拿出更多的手套和5可以。一侧有一个网格袋,所以有灵活性对于你如何安排。MyGolfSpy把红公鸡的升职,我得到了另一个2手套和一个衣橱。它是30%——只有24小时交易
  2. 这是一个很好的讨论话题!我认为关键是俱乐部/地盘交互,与铁这是巨大的,因为无论多好垫子,交互不会是相同的。树林里,我有一个模拟器和室内几乎每个人都有不同的秋千,和三通的问题是很难克服的。达到从塑料城堡不会给你相同的结果,即使你能盯住一个正常三通垫,它似乎永远不会是相同的。你可以做配件,你可以比较轻易A到B,但是如果你想要的结果,要更紧密地匹配您的航向的结果,你必须出去,这样一切都一样,当你玩。每项规则也有例外/评论,但总的来说我发现户外为王。如果你打击范围球与球,那是另一个故事——球需要体面和接近你的球。
  3. 我最近看到一个评论的红公鸡雨公鸡手套和听起来棒极了。我决定去看看,最喜欢。y点它。这是本文最有趣的一部分——我没有订购雨名单,因为他们没有我的尺寸(中型/大型)。在雨中没有学员大小公鸡。我穿一个学员中型/大型,永远在手套适合各领域。我的问题是小指——我有一个非常短的小手指或大多数手套太长。即使发现他们没有我最初寻找的,我开始调查事情在他们的网站上。我挑选了一些东西,有一些问题与我的秩序,将袋子里的东西,忘记红公鸡,但我决定发电子邮件与我的问题,我得到一个响应从一个所有者,克里胜景一览无余,他说服我先下订单。我点4手套,手套隔间。手套命令是:鞍-黑色苏格兰银色Whiteoout冻结我复习前两个,因为我没有时间去使用最后两个。 I prefer dark colored gloves because white ones tend to look pretty bad just a few rounds into their lives. Let me start with the Glove Compartment (GC). I am not sure about you but in the summer months when it is hot, I tend to rotate 2-3 gloves during a round so that I maintain a dry grip and am not damaging them by playing a wet glove. The GC has two velcro circles where you can attach gloves. I only use about a third of a circle per glove since I do not want to struggle getting them off. I use the circles when i am not using the glove and it has an iron grip so that is a huge help IMO. The GC is also a storage area as well. There is a nice carabineer to attach it to your bag. /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7227D.jpeg The GC unzips to access the inside. Right now I am just storing the two gloves in there but I think 4 would be better so they do not slide down much. /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7228D.jpeg Here you can see the glove attached to the velcro circle. I think I could easily hang 4 of them on there if I wanted to. /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7230D.jpeg I am always amazed at how fat hands look in pictures So how do these things fit. Well, they fit so well, this led to a problem for me. How in the hell do I get the thing off - I am not kidding. I get to the first green to putt and go to take the glove off, and I can not get a hold of the tips of the fingers to get them off. I took a few holes to break them in and make it possible to pinch the finger tips and get the glove off. I have used both of the gloves for 4-5 rounds each. I think most people wear gloves that a too loose - I wear them fairly tight - then the do not wear as much and provide a better grip. You can see on the first glove there is hardly any wear after 4 rounds of play and you can tell that it is starting to form itself to my hand and you can see the pinkie finger is super well fitting - like they used my hand as the source to make the glove. There is also a logo on the bottom of the cuff that serves as a pull tab and it is perfect as well. The gloves are not inexpensive nor are they expensive - you can visit their website here. The whole experience so far has been awesome for me and I am looking forward to testing out the rest of the gloves I bought and other models once these guys wear out. I have provided images of the black glove below, as well. I hate sounding like a shill with an overly positive review, but these gloves and the GC have met or exceeded my expectations in all areas. There was one thing that caught me off guard at first and that was the lack of a glove case - they come in a thin cellophane bag of sorts, but since I have the GC, I have no use for a case (plastic container most gloves come in). If you give them a shot, I think you will be very happy with the effort. /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7232D.jpeg /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7231D.jpeg /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7233D.jpeg /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7234D.jpeg /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7235D.jpeg /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7236D.jpeg /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7237D.jpeg /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7238D.jpeg /Users/ajlacombe/Downloads/IMG_7239D.jpeg
  4. 正确的——我认为这PXG所犯的错误是他们的观点。如果你认为你比ProV1好,你最好是比ProV1更好。如果你只是说你的球很好你可以允许口碑建立你的球的势头和社区就会找出它适合。现在他们正在建立一个消极的势头,必须克服之前回到地面零。大错误国际海事组织主张显然当球有问题
  5. 我不明白为什么我没有把商标价格——它是71美元一打或近6美元一个球。对的,但是他们很酷
  6. 谢谢你的更新。昨天我终于看到瑞克Shiels审查和确认一些事情。它听起来是一个滴答的球,可能不是他们在说什么。我不能铁球上我没有玩。让我说我命令3打2周前,被告知,尽管他们在他们的网站上说“股票”,他们不会得到他们的下一个装运到2月中旬。昨天因为他们没有发货,我取消了订单。只是擦我走错了路,觉得欺骗和持有订单。我需要一个球是:减少驱动旋转,侧旋,但有点逆转没有邮政与铁方法Greenside旋转所以我可以停止芯片软Titleist日志球觉得相比之下我命令一个定制的订单(美元一吨的伤害),但这些球是在我手中5天后。ProV1s我命令是完美的完成了商标和自定义号码。
  7. 我很好奇你的结果是什么你的摇摆,实现结果与色的描述。自从他们翻转自旋特征之间ProV1 ProV1x,令人困惑。所以诊断你打高“自旋”的一切,我想说你对你的镜头——负攻角和触及它高较低自旋被积极的迎角。我不喜欢ProV1x,因为它给了我讨厌自旋回。我不确定谁能想,因为国际海事组织无法控制(的方法)。左冲好但凿我不喜欢越感觉和我喜欢飞球洞和停止——这是不可能的国际海事组织LD。ProV1蜱虫所有箱子对我来说——除了耐久性发光消退nd时,我开始怀疑,这将极大地影响我的照片。我PXG球秩序但他们经历了最初的800打在短期内应该有第二波了但是我还没有发货。从所有的评论听起来像球可能ProV1和ProV1x但接近x。我的问题是——它旋转方法和如何整体旋转。我真的想要一个球,只有自旋简而言之游戏。期待让他们——如果他们的船。 A note on shipping, I ordered the PXG balls 10 days ago and they have not shipped. I ordered custom logo balls from Titleist 5 days ago and they are delivering today
  8. 我认为这将是一个更简单的问题反过来——任何球应该离开我希望看到所有的东西,但我希望看到的问题更相关的测试。我认为你的考试很好,但我希望看到一个地区调查围绕损害。我只是有一个圆,我踢得很好,设法cartpath 5次轮,有很多球的伤口。我是测试2球从一个色球配件和测试2023 ProV1 vs ProV1离开。左边冲我喜欢球在一段时间内,它实际上持续削减的封面。襟翼的削减撕裂成封面——这种事情,我通常会把一个球。所以我的思想在一个领域测试是这样的:损伤性能的变化轻微磨损焦油马克从新鲜路面覆盖削减失去光泽,ProV1这么做是典型的常规使用上面的列表后,发生了什么:球(方向,携带,整体)方法(方向,携带,旋转)短镜头和芯片(Spin)我只是好奇如何影响球的损害。我确信我们没有看到的原因在这是因为你必须找出如何破坏球如果损害不类似你比较苹果和橘子。所以你如何想出一个破坏测试:大火球从一个类型的佳能在不同路径(混凝土路面)。,给你的伤害,然后进行测试与破坏球。 Sorry for the long post, but I think you get the idea of what I am looking for in this test. I think that this issue may be more important for most golfers than the regular performance numbers, because if the damage is killing the performance, you need to pull the ball - which no one likes to do
  9. 很难回答的问题,因为摆动在室内和室外收益率不同的摆动速度尤其是一个司机。大约100英里/小时司机和快节奏是smoothish——我摇摆好斗的过渡变得越多,但我仍在节奏流畅的一面。
  10. Mn -我认为高尔夫球挥杆和拟合似乎完全不同于几乎每个人都在这个线程。与GC四我有一个模拟器,人造绿色和一个撞击笼子外面,我打125圆。只是说为背景。我也被打了52年。我最的人与弗雷德高尔夫教学是鞋匠和肖恩·克莱门特。我认为高尔夫是摇摆不定的,你不应该试图做任何事情在这摇摆除了满足你的拍摄你需要打击。想到别人扔纸叠或进垃圾桶。多久你成功实现任务(手或把它放在可以)吗?通常你这样做,对吗?你有没有想到浅出纸叠或旋转通过释放,延缓你的手腕释放,或任何机械吗? No. Why, because you are simply taking a target and reacting to the target and performing what you want. Is any of that done in the conscious mind? No. How do you walk up and down stairs? Do you ever think about that? No or you would fall on your face. There is a ton happening while walking up the stairs all done on autopilot. How about a free throw? Same. So why is golf different? It's not. On the practice green do you putt the same way as on the course? I bet you don't. I use only 1 ball on the putting green because I do not get do overs on the course. If you are working on your stroke maybe but that is not real. You most likely do not do much of a lining up with your putter and you putt pretty well - because it is happening in the subconscious mind. Then you go on the course and start thinking about outcomes and not target, and you miss the putt or shot. I think the player is who the player is (unless they are a total newbie). If you think your swing needs to look a certain way, look at a bunch of great players - Tiger, Furyk and Lee Trevino have identical swings - haha, right. They all deliver the club similarly at impact but how they get there is way different. So if the player is who the player is, what is the point of the fitting. It is to find a club that works with the player so they can achieve center strikes as often as possible. As someone said in this thread, I think you need to deep dive on a club once you get close. You could hit many clubs well if they are set to match your swing, but at some point you need to pick on and then play with length, lie, shaft and weight. My current project is taking a set of irons and I am going to play with the headweight to see how my performance changes as the weight changes )Distance, strike location, and shot shape). The set is PXG Gen 5 so I can gradually tweak the weight and not end up with a big weight in the hosel throwing off the balance of the club. I have never seen anyone do this test and I am looking forward to the results. At a fit last summer, we were messing with a lot of shafts and it was a swingweight bump that locked it all in. The bump in weight allowed me to feel the club during the swing and it calmed my squirrel brain down so I could swing the club like a golfer and less like a lumberjack. I have both the T and P sets and want to see what the effect of offset are for my swing as well once I dial in the weight. If you have not seen anything from Fred Shoemaker or Sean Clement, they are worth some time to at least see how they teach (really more coaching and less "teaching") Not preaching here, just trying to present another view on religion of fitting
  11. 一个评论石墨轴设计,确保你的尝试不同的重量和炫耀。我有很多这些轴,我开始使用TP 50年代,非常喜欢,但当我测试他们对于我的球道,我让他们在60 g版本,开始玩他们的司机,减少司机headweight联系。缩短故事,我最终SR轴移动,Stiff-Regular 44.5”,它对我来说是一个惊人的举动。所以老50年代到60。球道的球道最终轴65 sr。你可以看看图表和工业区,DI和TP基本上是相同的,它们不是。是否你可以分辨的差异是另一个故事。我的司机轴DI。
  12. 我有个S7远离2017年的秋天,我有大量的问题和Moto盒是可怕的处理就把它固定我以来我有同样的问题,一旦我还拥有2年保修外的这些问题他们让我付出很多得到固定,我做了很多的安装部分发货后回到他们维修——他们只是取代一些没有任何线索的问题是什么。现在它仍然是片状,我不能卖掉它意识良好。如果我是他们,我就会与客户保持联系,看看他们是如何做的,特别是如果他们有很多像我一样的问题。我也会为他们提供一个好的交易的交易我的购物车。关节在原始S7远程废话——他们是便宜/脆弱的塑料。部件都损坏了,我感到惊讶的是这个仍然维系。我玩的伙伴知道他们随时可能攻击我的流氓车。可能是很棒的是否按预期工作。他们照顾的结构性问题的早期版本。我远程废话——它将随机关闭或偏离了正轨。 Buyer beware - if you get one - make sure to beat the crap out of it with tons of use while it is under warranty because if you do not Motocaddy will turn their back on you once the warranty is done. Lastly I tried to feed back my comments and suggestions on how to improve the cart and they did not even care. As a company I am not impressed - your users are valuable testers and they can be very damaging with word of mouth advertising. At $1599 my cart was not cheap and I expected far more on all fronts. I use my Clicgear 3.5_+ when it rains because the umbrella holder is so flimsy you can not stay under it while the cart is moving.
  13. 我把去年在一个绿色的树旁边。我住在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提,我们有一个超级湿今年上半年然后我们沙漠热之后,就有了今天的90。1年之后,比第一天的地盘也不例外。这是填充Envirofill和今年春天我必须添加更多。松针是一个杀手,他们很难吹掉的。我想象sap将是最糟糕的,但这意味着上的一棵松树是绿色的。我会让绿色远离松树。我和道格拉斯冷杉是太近滴针时支付。所示的绿色是12美元k,我自己添加了光的地盘。从亚马逊供应商有地盘,然后不得不拖6 +大量砾石的基地——然后加密与硅砂。 I also have another bunker in the trees with regular sand in it. I have a mat that I hit into a net that I built the frame and can hit from the mat to the green or hit from anywhere in the yard. My green turf is a better putting surface which means it is not easy to hold a shot on it. It is about 35' at its longest width. It is a lot of work blowing leaves and tree crap off but I do that 4-5 times a week. I use the hell out of it and love it. I would go a little bigger if I ever did it again, and make sure you get contours in there - I love the ones that I had put in mine. If you have any specific questions, ask away. I used Tour Greens Ohio and they were outstanding to work with. If you go real grass you have to mow all the time, have a mower and deal with disease - it would not be any fun - I spend 10 minutes with a cordless leaf blower and I am golden (if leaves are dropping). The type of turf matters as well - some types are no appropriate for areas with more humidity (like where I live).
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