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  • Lacassem
  • GaDawg


  • 生日1月29日


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  • 适合俱乐部






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  1. 这可能有助于刺激你的球袋的想法。我还用丝带为我创建一个小口袋球标记(在另一边的裙子)。你可以扩大这种使用有弹性的材料一个球。我的裙子球标记口袋之前开始为我戴着脚镣球标记。我讨厌的帽子剪辑球标记可以离开锈印上我的帽子法案。我买了几个短袜上可用高尔夫网站总是打破了几个防磨,因为他们是用钓鱼线。所以我去了珠宝店,他让我对我这一个自定义大小的脚踝。虽然我已经弯腰捡起或放下我的球,我的脚镣总是在这里。
  2. 不需要等待测试。我会给你一些关于我所做的一切可能帮助你。鞋、手套和衬衫风格——而不是重复,我请您留意张贴在我的初步介绍女士的电话。事情要携带的东西如果你没有口袋。一些裙式短裤现在添加一个口袋在内裤的一条腿,但它会让你有一种奇怪的凸起。我的许多裙式短裤没有口袋。有时我手缝顶端上的丝带部分我skort 2 t恤的循环。像这样。容易修复,伟大的工作。我也有一个。 This is my very old, used and hugely loved golf ball/tee pouch. It stays hooked on my bag. The zippered pocket on top will also hold a few balls. I like it because it's small and sturdy. There are several styles available on Amazon, but I've never found another one exactly like it. I absolutely hate a dirty ball. I had a little pouch hanging on my bag and I would get the inside damp before a round. I could put a ball inside to clean it. But someone took it one day while on the range. When I get to the green, I go prepared to clean my ball. I tuck the corner of a small towel into the top of my waistband to clean my ball on the green. I went to Harbor Freight and bought a package of their microfiber towels used for cleaning. Several bright colors are in the pack and they are about the size of a wash cloth. I don't spit on my balls but I do spit on my cloth to clean my ball. When on the green, I'm not about to have my playing partners wait while I go back to my cart for a wet towel and I'm not putting with a dirty ball. You could always keep the towel damp but I don't want to have a wet towel hanging on me. I have a few golf skirts that aren't skorts. I wear volley ball shorts under them. The legs are tight enough to hold a golf ball or tee. There have been a number of great posts on MGS about snack ideas, training aids, gloves, etc. that are not women specific. Just do a search for those threads and more. I never put sunscreen on my forehead because I don't want it running down into and burning my eyes. But with a hat on I find I only need sunscreen on my face up to my eyes.
  3. 我在团体但从来没有想到他们一个联盟。周二晚上灯- 9洞(有时3 par的)在温暖的月份,3月或4月- 10月。四,不知道谁你会玩,加上皮肤(如果没有人赢得了美元下周)。15美元玩周六和周日小组赛——松散形成组男性和女性。12 +的球员。10美元和格式各不相同但是常数是如果你得到一个芯片在你收到大家的1美元。3 - 5在一组,每个人都是受欢迎的和球员已经成为很好的朋友。达到每月锦标赛(20美元)和玩天(5美元)。游戏与每个事件变化。我们挣点全年取决于我们如何使用我们的障碍净得分。 I won player of the year for 2022 and I'm far, far away from being the best player. If you are not part of a LGA I encourage you to get attached to one a.s.a.p. If your course does not have one, then find another lady or two and be the beginning of a new one. Taking the initiative to get involved is more than just finding other ladies to play golf with. Creates new friendships and social supporters.
  4. 爱的照片。保持包括他们!女性比男性篇不同类型的照片,不是更好或更坏,只是不同。我已经选定了一个球,似乎适合我但会跟着你,因为我支持更多女性参与MyGolfSpy。。。谁知道呢,我可能是引诱尝试另一个球。
  5. 当我参观了红公鸡,这个网站不允许我查看任何东西,除非我第一次签署了我的电子邮件。任何方式。我不愿意这样做只是为了研究如果这可能是一个可行的手套给我。
  6. 你好,女士们。我已经玩了将近9年,开始当我60岁。我一直我高尔夫间谍多年的一部分,是一个快乐测试仪四次。谢谢你我的高尔夫间谍!我期待尝试这个新论坛为女性。我在高尔夫间谍使用非常活跃但不经常了。我不喜欢的一些变化是几年前在网站是如何组织和导航。我发现很难找到我喜欢的男人过去的线程。我懂了,随着MyGolfSpy变化需要,让它更容易管理。但现在我发现它看起来并不像许多间谍跟踪测试评论或评论,我认为是非常重要的。 The guys on My Golf Spy have always been very welcoming and supportive and became treasured spy friends. I particularly find technical and how to play posts by @chisag and @downlowkey helpful. I follow "Women Who Golf" on Facebook and like reading posts of women who golf like me - not the best but have a lot of fun out there with friends. I play year round, in the cold and in the heat. I love to walk and have 2 push carts, one with an Alphard remote setup. When the weather is bad or when in a tournament I ride. During the winter I usually play only once a week. In the warmer months I play 2-4 times a week. I love practice play more than playing a round. We live at the golf course so I'm able to go out a play a few holes in the evening or just putt or chip. I'm president of a very active LGA and participate in a golf group that has a game every Sat and Sun. I didn't start playing until my family was grown up and everyone including my husband was through school. At the beginning I had trouble deciding whether to go with right or left handed clubs. I ended up with a right handed set but putted left. Then I was talked into switching to right handed putting. I can do it but I putt better left handed. I don't have a favorite brand of golf clothes. I don't like clothes shopping but my husband does, so I usually wear whatever he brings home even though sometimes I must alter the fit a little. He's pretty good at it. I have more golf clothes than I'll ever need but just last week he chose two more skorts. I like long sleeve solar shirts because it's one less place I need to lather on sunscreen. Often when not too windy, I wear a wider brim hat rather than a golf/baseball type cap. I wear gloves on both hands. I told the pro who first taught me that my guys have calluses from golf and giving up my soft hands was deal breaker on whether I play. He said wear a pair and I would never have a callus. It's been true. I don't have a favorite glove brand but in the warmer months I like to wear the half finger type with a mesh back. I've tried out many different golf shoes. And some that aren't specified for golf but work great. My current warm weather choice is suede ECCO trail sandals I found at Dillards. Made for hiking but have a great grip that has never slipped. Makes for an interesting tan pattern on my feet. I plan to get a second pair in another color this year. For cold weather I currently wear a Cole Hans pair (yes they have golf shoes!) and they are very cute with a leopard print that wraps around the heal. I have a major gripe with some of the spikeless shoes that are great on grass but very slippery on cement, tile, etc. I've had friends end up with broken bones from those soles and I've hit hard a few times. Going to the restroom mid round should not be a hazard. That's all for now. I post in spurts. But who knows, I hope this new forum thread will I get me re-hooked on MyGolfSpy! Happy
  7. 这发生在我身上!我从来没有完全恢复。
  8. 我周六赛迪·霍金斯的团队。哈哈,我们看起来像大黄蜂!天气很冷,还刮着风。拍摄一个60但由团队通过更高的障碍。我们达到使用这项赛事为MD安德森癌症医院筹集资金。
  9. 谢谢!希望我能在这里所有的时间。
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