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  1. 我有年轻的孩子。婴儿湿巾似乎工作很好。
  2. 曾经我把我的包,然后把俱乐部,都是一样的。我穿一个gps手表,所以没有测距仪。我的t恤总是在一个口袋里。
  3. 几乎总是比我计划晚。很少迟到了,我不是在t形三通时间,但我可以把它很近。我只能记得迟到开球时间几次在我的生命中。
  4. 我50岁,54岁,58岁。他们都是同样的鞋底磨(我认为),所以不担心一个更好的沙子或一个紧谎言或类似的东西。我什么都用58 100码和短,包括凿在绿色。偶尔,我会尝试与50撞的东西,甚至我的PW,让它滚有点早,但结果是喜忧参半的。只是简单的坚持我习惯。
  5. 任何减价出售。我有一个真正的障碍与支付零售服装因为质量不匹配的价格,国际海事组织。倭黑猩猩高尔夫球裤+ 100美元?不,谢谢。我知道这是一个很好的价格对一些人来说,我不能证明它。我通常高尔夫穿着短裤,但我认为我现在的“高尔夫球裤”是一些码头工人舒适针织丝光黄斜纹裤。他们完成工作;大量的伸展和不重。我5 ' 6 "和不穿裤子在我的肚脐,所以30”内不为我工作,不包括(如果价格不)大多数品牌如耐克、彪马、阿迪达斯、特拉维斯马修,在盔甲,等。至少,我从来没有发现任何东西,从这些品牌在28或29内。 Tailors around me are few and far between and paying extra to make new pants actually fit is not appealing, on principle lol.
  6. 3,相当不同的是更少。如果我们都袭击了我们的照片,然后让高尔夫球手越快(s),有一个很好的机会我们要走绿色,他们走下一个发球台。然后我们等待蜱虫的下一个发球台组我们让玩,十有八九。如果我们等待袭击了我们的镜头(假设下一个洞是4)相当,开球我们可能在下一个洞的高尔夫球手(s)打了是谁/附近的绿色,所以没有等待。所以我认为这是两次或等待等待之间的区别。两者之间的真实的生活时差可能只有几分钟。
  7. 我感觉就像匆忙,如果通过触及驱动器组让我玩我想如果他们等着打他们的驱动器。我认为这是一个不可避免的感觉。我经历了,硬币的两边。我喜欢等待的方法达到驱动器(作为一个通过,一个让人玩)触及驱动器,然后等待。它通常创建更多的差距,这需要一点压力的玩。唯一一次我赞成击中球,然后等待是真的包装和创建课程时略大的差距会扰乱背后的高尔夫球手之一(s)通过玩耍。如果我让别人通过,我尽力把远从发球台是合理的,试着让它明显我不看着他们。我会安静地摆弄我的包或者悄悄跟某人在我组;诸如此类。
  8. 废话我们删除一个俱乐部顶部的袋子携带SW和LW或取代了SW LW ?对于前者,我想说这取决于什么样的差距你创建顶部的袋子。对于后者,我建议坚持西南。它应该是一个更通用的,我认为它更有可能你会在西南距离比LW触及到一个绿色的距离。
  9. 我认为酒吧的例子,但预订的例子似乎更一对一的自我们讨论保留三通时代。当你预订表3,你希望吃只有3。表或展台可能是一个适应和设置为4;4号座位就仍然是空着的。所有这一切都归结到期望,我想。通常没有期望能够拯救席位在酒吧;明白酒吧座位是混战。根据我的经验,一个期望,如果你订一个三人一组,你会玩三圆。我想更好的沟通的课程将是我所追求的。在线预订可能是罪魁祸首。 Others mentioned that some courses don't allow singles to book online. I don't love that either, as somebody who plays solo somewhat regularly, but I wouldn't mind some kind of limitations, either during busy times or in the case of a threesome already booked. I had friends that worked the pro shop of the course 5 minutes down the street from where I grew up. I would often play a quick 9 holes with them after their shifts and I'd naturally hear their stories of the pro shop shenanigans that day or week. Anyway, this was back when all tee times were booked in person or on the phone, and it was explained to me that they would treat threesomes as a blocked off tee time unless they had no other choice. I'm still friends with one of them and just texted him about this. If a single came in and asked what tee times were available around a certain time, my friend would give him the times that were open or booked with another single. If the golfer balked at those times, he'd expand it to the times with twosomes. Pairing with threesomes was a last resort. Admittedly, I have no idea how common that is. The course was a formerly private course that turned public. Membership fees weren't cheap, especially for the income level of the area, so the members wouldn't hesitate to raise a stink about some random being matched up with their group. That might be why the pro shop there did what they did with tee times. I don't know. It's worth noting that most courses that I've played did/do not have marshals. I wouldn't be shocked if there were instances where a single was slotted in with my group or I was slotted in with another group on the tee sheet but we all just teed off when we were ready and played separate.
  10. 第一组我记得是一个沃尔玛敏锐度套装。然后,一个内存集(再次,沃尔玛套装)。我第一次真正的设置是亚当斯IdeaTech V4,使用。这是第一集我自己买的。随后一些美津浓JPX 825年代我有天赋,我还玩了。第一个司机不是来自一组是卡拉威暗黑破坏神辛烷。然后,克利夫兰定制XL、Taylormade SLDR,现在一个卡拉威史诗马克斯LS。楔子:第一个独立的楔形是汤姆沃森56 *。然后,我抓起一个Ping旅游峡谷58 *。现在,我有一组(50,54岁的58)克利夫兰RTX-3s。无精打采地工作:首先独立推杆Taylormade白烟ln-12。 Then, an Odyssey O-Works 1WS. And now a Taylormade Berwick.
  11. 他们应该溢价球30美元。见鬼。
  12. 思想实验:如果你出现与3人餐馆,他们可能会坐你一张四人桌。假设这是一个拥挤的房子。如果一个出现吃饭,餐厅的座位在你的桌子上吗?这是一个开放的座位毕竟和餐馆需要收入最大化。如果这是不同于高尔夫,所以如何?
  13. 单身是很常见的。单身人士要求加入组不到常见但不罕见。团体被迫玩单打并不常见,确实罕见。
  14. 以我的经验作为一个单独的,你可以通过课程/团体和蛇你找到适应一个像样的差距,通常几个洞。我指的那一天,至少,没有饱,一个不能通过。至于课程赔钱,这可能并不持有大量的水。客户满意度是商业的一部分。有时你牺牲屑到处。不留下一个坏味道在你客户的嘴可以为业务比挤压的每一美元,你可以今天。在这种情况下,死记硬背单个成本回报客户,在所有的可能性。发生很多吗?可能不会,但它不是那么简单就减去损失的收入从一个走开,如果你让他们找到一个开满槽。在现实中,我们讨论的是非常罕见的事件,不会使凹陷的底线高尔夫球场。
  15. 我回答这个但是不签署,所以idk如果它之后会出现什么,但是这里的# 2。每个自己的,但是我觉得自私的一个如果我自己强加于另一个作为一个单独的组。我描述的实例,使用在线预订系统。单并不是一个“步行”。发生的两件事之一;他要么看到现货一可用时他想要(4在t时间当我预定它)或者他打电话一个槽的员工看到一个可用性。无论哪种方式,决定美国3玩他。不是玩的游戏与我们前面的开球时间或我们身后的三人(迟到)。坏运气,我想。课程要赚钱。 This has fortunately been a rare occurrence for me in my 20 years of golfing or so. I don’t know if this is common in other areas, but at the courses I play (not really nice but not goat tracks) being forced to pair up just hasn’t happened. As for my preference to play alone when not playing with friends/family, I like the solitude and the ability to relax. I have a 3 and 5 year old. I usually book my tee times in advance. When I do, I avoid slots that show other golfers booked. On the rare occasion I show up without a tee time, I don’t impose myself on others, regardless of whether they see it as an imposition. I’ll wait for a later tee time or try another course. Different strokes for different folks.
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