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  • 生日08/03/1992


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    - 39
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  1. 快速基本信息:我是一个8障碍,呈下降趋势,我一直在游戏Sub70 699优点几年,我爱他们。与球员的距离我最大的问题是偶尔的能人的中间。我觉得我想赚不管结果是什么,不是随机15 - 20码在击球的目标,因为“太好”。与CB我想,我可以依靠距离,如果它没有因为糟糕的罢工,这是好的,因为这就是我赚的罢工。通过几个小时的测试在美巡赛的超市,我爱上了Taylormade P7MCs。我能获得一个非常轻从附近的玩家设置用于一个令人难以置信的交易,在一个非常相似的设置(TrueTemper XSeven轴代替KBS C-Taper 130年代),我决定给他们一个走。不管出于什么原因,我的信心高涨。我一直引人注目的中心的球更多的脸,我塑造拍摄意图和一致性。例如,我的司机,这些土地被“遗弃”了我最后2天(没有任何迹象表明乐趣像推动消退的时候),但是我一直自己在过去27 + 8孔,主要是因为我的铁。从我自己的角度来看,现实的情况似乎是,我只是感到舒适与较小的头/背线在球的后面。 With the old 4 iron, I was tentative to pull it out of the bag, with the new CB, I use it 4-8 per round and have struck it very well for my ability. I do not think that this move would necessarily be for everyone, but I am a true believer that if you feel confident when looking down at the ball, and you have postive swing-thoughts, then that will manifest in how you play.
  2. 从北泽西岛,但总是在寻找一些人挂!如果有一个室内模拟器在这个地区,我们可以在那里玩,满足!
  3. 这是太棒了!现在我很享受我的高尔夫生活阶段,我让尽可能多的记忆与朋友和我爸爸/哥哥。
  4. 哦,新泽西州有一些美丽的课程。Ballyowen我爱。要玩扭曲的沙丘是难以置信的。我仍然有一个课程列表我想要,我期待着继续体验不同的课程和体系结构。
  5. 2最大的因素是1)我通常玩早在我可以没有感觉讨厌4部分。2)我很少玩同样的课程多次的季节。我大约20轮高尔夫这个赛季14种不同的课程。2课程我重复的房屋也最低。本赛季8轮是孔9日课程,只有1高于42的12个18洞轮,轮都是80 - 88年之间在某种程度上根据我的应用程序,结果在9.1 lol
  6. 背景故事,我是一个9障碍高尔夫球手。圆是一个80年,最低9洞(39)。我通常拍摄80年代中期,根据困难/知识当然,等等。我出去今天心血来潮,有我弟弟和朋友对我取消。几乎取消了,但另一个朋友说他会去。我们课程,实践绿色上花了约10分钟(练习场的季节,我在新泽西)然后点击课程。现在这是我的好友亚当的另一端。他是你所见过的最善良的人,通常拍摄低100年代,90年代可以低。他被要求如何更好玩,他知道在3年我的障碍从26日至9日,通过勤奋的练习,几课,和一般的痴迷听专家/优点谈论游戏。当我们在谈论事情,我发现自己开始玩一些我玩的最好的高尔夫球。老实说好奇如果讨论swing的思想和过程最终影响发挥。 Regardless, on this par 36 9 hole course, I got to the last hole at even par. Ended up on the fringe and was going between chipping and putting. I had chipped well, but I also knew how well I was playing and I think intrusively effected my swing, ended up duffing the chip. 2 putted for a bogey and shot a 37. As excited as I was, my buddy Adam was even more excited. He signed a score card for me and pumped me up big time. Always nice having a friend like that. Most excitingly for me was seeing improvement. I basically spent the entire year shooting similar scores, never really feeling like I was making much progress. Cannot wait to continue this golf journey! If you're still reading, thanks for hanging out tonight.
  7. 嘿!希望几个男孩/女孩在这里抓18有时可能会感兴趣,玩一些有趣的游戏(2 v2 alt,争夺,更好的球,等等)。谢谢,迈克
  8. 我能说什么。二十年后是有原因的奥德赛再版这些无精打采地工作。我不能说足够好的东西关于这个推杆/组合的控制。最近我一直在挣扎我无精打采地工作,决定打开金库,得到一个新的推杆。重要的测试后,这只是站在上面休息;感觉,看看球的后面,声音;她只是拥有一切我想要的。我意外最终大规模SuperStroke控制一旦我意识到它是多么让我从扣人心弦,让我在俱乐部和中风和一致的。总之,这是一个成功的组合,我从来没有觉得背后一个球比我现在更有信心。我知道我钻更多的推杆,即使我不是,我通常在< 3英尺范围内。 Highly suggest for anyone looking to upgrade.
  9. 嘿,男孩和女孩,我绝对购物预算,COVID时代已经很难在新泽西。“任何人出售或木槌推杆摆脱白色热吗?最好是34/35”。非常感谢您的帮助!
  10. 不会吧!你有没有找到你几乎认为太好了,是真的吗?让我告诉你,这是其中的一次。去年我得到一些Taylormade TP5沥青球的哦男孩和一个朋友让我告诉你我爱他们。我喜欢看,感觉,一切!好近……任何一个高尔夫球手都会知道,生命中只有3的确定性是死亡,税收,和失去昂贵的高尔夫球。我曾殴打或失去了所有的球我了,惊愕地看到45美元价格标签与一个新的打。我在网上猎杀,看到GolfDiscount.com“实践为20美元/打TP5和TP5X球!我几乎觉得这是一个骗局,但我给它一枪。 The balls came in quick and in a very high-end... clear plastic bag. When I ripped it open I saw 12 brand new TP5 Pix balls. Sure they were not PERFECT. Some had black spots, some had smudging on the triangles, but otherwise everything seemed great! I took them out and tested them and let me say that I could not tell the slightest difference. They are fantastic! Needless to say, I am now a loyal purchaser of these balls. Sure my family once in a while will get me the real deal for a present, but for me, if the only downsides are some imperfections with the graphics, I can live with that!!! I highly suggest anyone who wants to try these give them a shot!!!! I will get photos up the next chance I get, but they are genuinely worth every penny.
  11. 司机- 9°卡拉威史诗Flash子零(+ 1°)——Hzrdus烟黑6.5 60克木轴3 - 15°Taylormade当时股票刚性轴(下一个俱乐部被淘汰)3混合- 18°Taylormade燃烧器2.0 - Aldila旅游绿色硬85克轴5-PW - Sub70 699 Pro缎(谎言+ 1°)- KBS C-Taper 130克xflex(最新的包)50°- Bettinardi H2 SS 303楔- KBS旅游僵硬的flex 54°-楔汤米盔甲向量真的脾气售价旅游58°-克利夫兰RTX4楔真的脾气动态黄金旅游推杆-雷库克银雷SR500推杆袋Sub70灰色/黑色/白色站袋球- Taylormade TP5X焦油(我买练习版)这个袋子是一个大杂烩。我刚认真到高尔夫球在2018 - 2019年冬天,真的踢成齿轮在大流行期间。我唯一得到适合俱乐部699年Sub70优点。否则这个袋子是建立在方便和便宜。您可能会注意到,我只列出了13个俱乐部;我轮流4混合(组3)和4铁与铁(组)根据/如何我玩。司机说我习惯了卡拉威二手车和我自己升级的轴。我当时3木材用于第二摆动。燃烧器的混合和克利夫兰楔是我父亲用过的。Bettinardi &汤米盔甲楔形期间买了第二摆动&销售高尔夫球分别星系。 And my current least favorite club of the putter was under $50 on RockBottom. I would love to upgrade most of this bag, but I am a golfer on a budget. If I can choose to spend my money either playing or on high-end gear, I will pick playing. I have fallen in love with the Sub70 brand and that is where I am tending to lead towards upgrading the bag. Any thoughts and or suggestions are welcome. I am really looking for a new putter, I love the White Hot series by Odyssey, but I will give anything a try (hello?! you see what is in the bag?!?! lol).
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