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  1. 我只是购买了一个红色的公鸡手套,他们送我一个代码为5美元我提到的人。我得到点为每个人使用它但是我还没有住进那些。折扣太棒了所以我想分享它,以防任何你的想法的。他们原来的尺寸图和免运费运输和任何需要得到正确的大小…很不可思议!代码链接:https://i.refs.cc/83N78I9G?smile_ref=eyJzbWlsZV9zb3VyY2UiOiJzbWlsZV91aSIsInNtaWxlX21lZGl1bSI6IiIsInNtaWxlX2NhbXBhaWduIjoicmVmZXJyYWxfcHJvZ3JhbSIsInNtaWxlX2N1c3RvbWVyX2lkIjoxNjg5OTQ1NjkxfQ%3D%3D
  2. 我爱你最近开始玩,玩史诗马克斯! !你的驱动器是神奇的人只是扮演了一个短的时间。我的目标是一天走18洞。我生病了大约5年,它改变了我的一切。我现在更好,需要忙碌的生活更好。我很难过,你必须走但是你挑战我…知道你在一次车祸中,不要让头晕阻止你享受游戏。我不希望发生在我过去的范围。是时候继续前进。谢谢你分享…我希望你头晕是随着时间的推移变得更好,你的故事鼓励其他人。
  3. 是的!完美的想法。我将发布一个图片当我完成它
  4. 喜欢这个!谢谢你的丝带想法…我想出了一个解决方案保持我的钓鱼竿在一起当我分解但从未想到这需要有创意的解决方案。我可能需要你的想法和扩大它如果我能想到的一个方法将一个球放在那里! !伟大的思想,尝试确定…谢谢!
  5. 我不得不说这是我的测试。我很兴奋能够测试ELIXRs但时机,我无法想象我会眼镜蛇的候选人…。啊嗯…更多的机会来了。我期待着听到这个结果我慢慢建立arensal需要熨斗和楔形坏。
  6. 谢谢你的鼓励!我非常喜欢这个机会,感谢支持。将丰富的图片。
  7. 日期04/16/2023课程名称鹿谷总分数总值100课程障碍28中风在标准杆/ 28净得分par 0得分72净小鸟或更好的最长驾驶160课程周四和周日和剃7中风…太好玩了! ! !
  8. 日期04/13/2023课程名称鹿谷总分数107课程障碍28中风/ /在票面总值35净得分par最长7净得分79净小鸟或更好1驱动170课程周四和周日和剃7中风…太好玩了! ! !
  9. 我的一个测试人员OnCore ELIXR高尔夫球。您可以按照我的旅程从产品评论论坛。我希望我的经验可以帮助你知道这对你来说是一个球。请让我知道如果有什么你感兴趣的特定当你正在考虑一个新球。我想解决的事情影响的女性可以使用这个球。谢谢!
  10. 我已经慢慢改变我的起动器集更新俱乐部,我准备一个新的楔形。我不确定它是什么类型的楔…我相信这是45度。我看到卡拉威的下巴生50度所以我考虑,但想听到你的见解。提前谢谢!
  11. 你好,的间谍!我兴奋地测试OnCore ELIXR高尔夫球和与你分享我的发现。我叫克里斯蒂和我住在中央PA不远的好或葛底斯堡。那是一个美丽的地方居住和打高尔夫球。森林和连绵起伏的丘陵散落在农田多次窃取我的注意力在圆的。我结婚了,没有孩子,流感大流行期间学会了打高尔夫球。我有三个爱好…钓鱼,写作和打高尔夫球。所有争夺我的时间现在高尔夫肯定赢。我甚至开始在当地的高尔夫球场工作来养活我的瘾。我每周都玩,有时更多,特别是现在我工作在一个课程。 My handicap is high but I hope to shave a few strokes off this season. I average 104-106 with a low of 98. My drive is the best part of my game. I use a Callaway Epic Max with a senior shaft. My middle game is hot and cold and my putting is weak. My husband always says “drive for show and putt for dough”. Hence the need to work at a pro shop . I have a variety of clubs in my bag including many from my original starter set but I’m slowing replacing them with new or slightly used versions. I have a Taylor Made Sim2 5 Hybrid which is my go to followed by a Callaway Mavrik 7 iron which comes in a close second. I hit the ball fairly straight and have the ability to do much better but just can’t seem to put it together in the same round. As a relatively new player I am still learning about all aspects of the game and the science in every area amazes me! The ELIXRs perimeter weighting intrigues me as it promises to increase ball speed and roll. It claims to feel better at impact and be more accurate. I want all of this but even more I want distance, it’s what drives me (pun intended). It’s what keeps me going to the driving range and what I long for at every tee. While this ball can’t change my swing or torque, I’m looking forward to seeing how it compares to the others in my bag and am hoping for more. I’ve been using a variety of brands including Titleist, Taylor Made and Maxfli. It’s hard to beat a Titleist in my opinion but the price typically leads me to choose another brand. I will be comparing the ELIXR to each of these during my regular rounds of golf, at a local par 3 to see how they affect my short game and at my local park to see how accurate they are when hitting at a target (bucket in the middle of the grass field) which I’ll have pictures of as I’m testing. Feel free to ask me questions and give feedback. I hope my experience will help you decide if this a ball you’d like to try. Thanks for being part of my journey…let’s have some fun!
  12. 我丈夫和我是夫妻联盟的一部分在周五晚上绝对是社会的性质。很有趣,不需要承诺,所以它很适合我们现在。
  13. 我喜欢这个主意的毛巾,肯定会检查出来。鞋,我有一些我爱思凯捷但风格是有限时宽脚和美洲狮,我刚刚感觉很好当我穿上但没有支持我需要一个完整的圆。今天我去练习场打了一个大的桶球,不得不脱掉我的鞋子在回家的路上。我想我很快会捐赠他们的。还在神奇的形状…不是我所需要的支持。我想看到更多的风格,把宽的大小和我很想听听那些可用如何打高尔夫球后和感觉。我加上大小和大量的上衣太短。没有乐趣我的上衣跳起来当我摇摆不定的所以我想知道上衣适合加上大小妇女。无袖上衣的腋下裂口吗?去年通过的材料没有得到桩或伸出几个洗? How comfortable are they in the heat? I don’t need them to be high end because my favorite shirts are from Kohls and were as low as $11 at times. I am so sad that they don’t carry them in my size now. Although it would be fun to test something beyond my price range, I would much rather test something that the majority of women can afford to purchase and feel comfortable in. I may skim a review about a $200 windbreaker but wouldn’t pay much attention so give me a $50 jacket that I can review and help someone make a wise decision about purchasing. I’m open to any and all varieties of tests because it’s fun and it makes a difference. I hope this forum grows to the point where manufacturers are interested in testing their products and women turn here for their reviews.
  14. 我在! !我想今年我至少3低。我不知道多大或多小的灰色但我要开始和继续如果我能!我每周的一部分排行榜…加入乐趣! !
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