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  • m·帕森斯
  • doubleduhric


  • 生日09/27/1951


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  • 适合俱乐部






10.1 k


  1. CarlH


    不要买一个推杆直到你有机会把它。永远保持超过300个独立的想法在你的头脑你的摇摆。当你携带了一个水风险,你可以打一个俱乐部或者两个球。如果你害怕一个完整的镜头可能达到绿色,而四人你还推出之前,你有两个选择:你可以立即柄单手上篮或者等到绿色是明确的和前一个球的一半。熟练的玩家越少,他越有可能分享他对高尔夫球挥杆的看法。不管你有多么糟糕,总是有可能发挥更糟。任何高尔夫球课的必然结果是一个关键的无意识的即时消除运动让你弥补你所有的其他错误。每个替换他的草皮后一个完美的方法。高尔夫比赛是一个测试你的技能对你的对手的运气。它非常容易洞一百五十英尺的推杆。 For a 10. Counting on your opponent to inform you when he breaks a rule is like expecting him to make fun of his own haircut. Nonchalant putts count the same as chalant putts It's not a gimme if you're still 5 feet away. The shortest distance between any two points on a golf course is a straight line that passes directly through the center of a very large tree. You can hit a two acre fairway 10% of the time and a two inch branch 90% of the time. If you really want to get better at golf, go back and take it up at a much earlier age. Since bad shots come in groups of three, a fourth bad shot is actually the beginning of the next group of three. When you look up, causing an awful shot, you will always look down again at exactly the moment when you ought to start watching the ball if you ever want to see it again. Every time a golfer makes a birdie, he must subsequently make two triple bogeys to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the universe. If you want to hit a 7 iron as far as Tiger Woods does, simply try to lay up just short of a water hazard. To calculate the speed of a player's downswing, multiply the speed of his backswing by his handicap, I.e., back-swing 20 mph, handicap 15, downswing = 300 mph. There are two things you can learn by stopping your backswing at the top and checking the position of your hands: how many hands you have, and which one is wearing the glove. Hazards attract; fairways repel. Keep this in mind! A ball you can see in the rough from 50 yards away is not yours. If there is a ball on the fringe and a ball in the bunker, your ball is in the bunker. If both balls are in the bunker, yours is in the footprint It's easier to get up at 6:00 AM to play golf than at 10:00 to mow the lawn. A good drive on the 18th hole has stopped many a golfer from giving up the game. Golf is the perfect thing to do on Sunday because you always end up having to pray a lot. A good golf partner is one who's always slightly worse than you are....that's why I get so many calls to play with friends. If there's a storm rolling in, you'll be having the game of your life. Golf balls are like eggs. They're white. They're sold by the dozen. And you need to buy fresh ones each week. It's amazing how a golfer who never helps out around the house will replace his divots, repair his ball marks, and rake his sand traps. If your opponent has trouble remembering whether he shot a six or a seven, he probably shot an eight (or worse). It takes longer to learn to be a good golfer than it does to become a brain surgeon. On the other hand, you don't get to ride around on a cart, drink beer, eat hot dogs and fart, if you are performing Brain Surgery!!!! Just bought a new shaft that’s done wonders for my score, it has lead on one end and an eraser on the other!!!
  2. 打了18和常规组,然后扮演另一个9与我的妻子和另一对夫妇....41/40/38。(前9,9日,前9)。该集团今天.....扮演了一个非常奇怪的游戏3man teams playing 2 best net, with a caveat -- if all 3 players made net par or better, you could carry one over to a later hole. Carryovers were also cumulative. We built up 2 carryovers, but had to use both of them on #7. Used another carryover we'd earned on # 17 and ended up with 2 carryovers. Problem was, we were making net pars and not enough net birdies to shoot -4 on the front and -2 on the back (-6 for the total) and didn't place on any of the bets. My team's scores were my 81, then an 88 (10 handicapper) and a 95 (17 handicapper) from my partners. The course is still fairly wet, but we were off the cart path for the first time in a long time, and the wind was a 1-1&1/2 club effect most of the day. Anyone know why the wind always seems to be in your face regardless of which direction the hole faces? LOL
  3. 想我去了老圣安德鲁斯,仅仅因为它是一个图标,我从来没有玩的乐趣。如果我限制我们,我就想玩奥古斯塔国家,因为这是奥古斯塔!
  4. 我会认为他们能够回到美巡赛,但可能不得不接受某种资格的途径获得点(即,光辉国际赞助商的豁免,星期一资格赛,等等)。我认为美巡赛的球员希望最好能够发挥和丽芙·的几名球员是最好的。我可能是错的,但我不认为一个永久的禁令被球员们支持。
  5. 对我来说无关,丽芙·。你可以我根anc添加到列表。有其他球员,我会拉…我会看约翰逊,伍尔夫Koepka,等?当然!如果其中一个赢了,我想说对他们有利。但是,你是正确的,我从不喜欢/根芦苇,加西亚DeChambeau,华生,或。
  6. 欢迎来到论坛从另一个退休的水手。1970 - 1990年,潜艇服务!
  7. 除了史密斯凸轮,我不看到我支持任何丽芙·球员赢得了主人。
  8. 今天乐队演奏了摇晃不稳,所以分数不是我可以因为我并不总是打我开车。在任何情况下,我把球铁发挥很好,我将只是一个头发掉——不断燃烧的边缘。只是没有看到线好,我猜,推杆是好的,只是没有进去的推杆。不管怎样,有3个柏忌,连小鸟(尽管许多尝试)拍摄75(不是总是使用我的球)。由于潮湿的条件下,我们选择了从t恤我前进的一个平常玩,这给我留下了许多铁投进4杆洞比伍兹/混合动力车。我可以适应这些t恤!2的3敌机是由于我臭名昭著的楔形游戏,或缺乏,另一个是可怜的击球入洞的边缘,给我留下了9英尺的推杆,我未能转换。
  9. 这就是我的天堂木头是什么。你会保持你的发射特点7木头和添加一点长度(理论上,无论如何)
  10. 最后有一个美好的一天不下雨,我就出去玩了。课程仍然是水记录从所有雨今年到目前为止,我们已经得到零卷上任何你。雨,绿党船员没有能够走出去,准备掩体和做得与绿党。我们正在提升,清洁,和欺骗由于课程条件,有时不得不采取一些相当慷慨的下降(位置)发现一些不边缘的地方,随意的水或更糟。在任何情况下,我拍摄2 /障碍的83年,错过3合理小鸟的机会。我做了一个小鸟在# 6,只有遵循了一个双铁和它滚下来当我推6成草危害接壤的水风险。难道你不知道吗?众所周知的PBFU。
  11. 那样不错!我玩红公鸡的羽毛,它符合“像个手套!”I get good wear out of the gloves and the subscription model is easy to work with. When I don't think I'll need a glove before the next shipment, I simply go to the website and indicate such. At Christmas, I bought my wife a red glove and the glove compartment. She likes the fit of a men's small, so when I placed the order, they sent me an email questioning my choice to go with a small rather than the XL I normally order. Good service right there!!!! They're not the least expensive premium gloves available, but they are a quality product and I've been very happy with them for the last 6 months I've been using them. I recently changed my regular order from the Feather to the Ice (essentially the same glove, only the accent coloring is different). I don't use the glove compartment as I have another product that does the same thing (it's actually called a "glove humidor", complete with cork lining and does an awesome job of keeping the gloves from getting hard prematurely.
  12. 20英里每小时是平静的一天,豹。你已经在佛罗里达被宠坏的。哈哈
  13. 是的,但是我不要错过下滑,在光滑的表面破坏我的屁股! ! !
  14. 最后,一个体面的一天没有发生什么和能够在课程。我星期一关闭常规课程,所以我和一个朋友打了格拉纳达高尔夫俱乐部在村庄(9课程之一)。由于下雨我们都晚了,真的是车路径只和草率。把球好,熨烫好,我往常一样蹩脚的凿,排好了。有一个三柏忌,当我触及球场太干净(很少见),旅行太远,去后面的绿色,滚下斜坡,发现到池塘拍摄43在前面。39背面拍摄10轮。不太快乐,当然条件(除了那该死的三倍! ! ! !)。美好的时光,依然!
  15. 我一直在许多这样的给予和接受的一面。通常情况下,他们在“破坏排骨”静脉。然而,当一个人显然是在他们的游戏,最好一直对自己的评论....当他们遇到的最坏的打算。

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