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    1. 你知道法尔多不会安静太久的。SirNicksRoundTable的E1和杰克在一起,值得你花时间
    2. 昨日发布的;已经有超过8万的浏览量和500条评论;其中大部分抨击MGS…
    3. …哇,他们肯定踩到这里了。这不是第一次了;不会是最后一个。
    4. 在我的高尔夫电影名人堂中排名第一……https://golfweek.usatoday.com/lists/tin-cup-turns-25-interesting-facts-movie-kevin-costner/ '锡杯'年满25岁:关于电影的一些有趣的事实分享这篇文章分享推特电子邮件托德凯利2021年8月16日下午3:56东部时间“Caddyshack”被广泛认为是有史以来最好的高尔夫电影,但如果你问周围的人,你可能会得到一些争论,在名单上排名第二的是“锡杯”。根据IMDB的数据,《锡杯》排在第三位,仅次于《有史以来最伟大的比赛》,但《锡杯》的一个优点是,它是有史以来票房最高的高尔夫电影。凯文·科斯特纳、雷内·罗素、唐·约翰逊和奇奇·马林主演了这部于1996年8月16日上映的电影。没错,"锡杯"已经25岁了。影片在德克萨斯州和亚利桑那州拍摄,但据说是在北卡罗莱纳州拍摄美国公开赛的高潮场景,它的特色是来自美巡赛高尔夫球手和评论员的强大阵容,从菲尔·米克尔森到约翰尼·米勒再到吉姆·南茨。1997年,凯文·科斯特纳在北卡罗来纳州卡里举行的吉米V名人高尔夫精英赛上签名。这部电影在亚利桑那州的图巴克小镇以及德克萨斯州的金伍德拍摄。电影中虚构的美国公开赛应该是在北卡罗来纳州,但实际上是在金伍德的迪尔伍德球场拍摄的。图巴克人口1375人,位于墨西哥边境以北约30分钟车程的地方,在墓碑镇以西约90分钟车程的地方,墓碑镇因在ok畜栏的枪战而闻名。 Gary McCord taught Kevin Coster his golf swing Gary McCord looks on prior to Capital One’s The Match: Champions For Change at Stone Canyon Golf Club on Nov. 27, 2020 in Oro Valley, Arizona. Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images for The Match Kevin Costner contributed the forward in Gary McCord’s book Golf for Dummies, where he wrote about their relationship and how McCord made Costner’s swing look real enough for a feature film. Debuted at No. 1 at the box office Kevin Costner autographs a copy of his movie “Tin Cup” for a fan at the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am in 2008. Photo by Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports “Tin Cup” was the No. 1 movie in theaters in its first week of release. Made for about $45 million, it grossed $54 million in the U.S. and about $76 million worldwide, making it the No. 1 box office golf film. “Caddyshack” is No. 2 at about $40 million. How the cast came together Cheech Marin, Rene Russo, Don Johnson and Kevin Costner of the movie “Tin Cup” pose with director Ron Shelton at the world premiere of the film on Thursday, Aug. 1, 1996, in Los Angeles. Photo by Chris Pizzello/Associated Press Ron Shelton, who directed the film, had previously worked with Kevin Costner on the baseball movie “Bull Durham.” Costner’s Roy McAvoy character has a romantic interest in Molly Griswold, and that role reportedly was offered to Michelle Pfieffer first, but the filmmakers went with Rene Russo. How the cast came together, part 2 Don Johnson received the 2,069th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Friday, July 26, 1996, in Hollywood. Photo by Chris Pizzello/Associated Press Kevin Costner’s arch rival in the movie, David Simms, was portrayed by Don Johnson, who confirmed to Golf magazine there was plenty of partying during the making of the film as he and Costner were “both single at the time, so we just played golf and partied.” Pierce Brosnan was reportedly also considered for the role of Simms. 83-62-64-78 After taking a 12 on the 18th hole in the movie, holing out from the fairway with the last ball in his bag, Roy McAvoy’s final-round score in the fictional U.S. Open was a 78. He finished at 1-under 287 after posting scores of 83-62-64-78. The scene where he hits ball after ball into the water actually happened to Gary McCord in the 1986 FedEx St. Jude Classic, Memphis, when he hit five in the water and carded a 16 on the hole to cap a round of 87.
    5. 是的,Moore和Dufner似乎把它寄过来了,并没有真正发挥出多少灵感;会很高兴看到一些新面孔加入。
    6. 如果你周末去购物世界,你的看法就会不同……
    7. 嘿@StrokerAce ... ...如果我们需要你的意见,我们会问的。——这个帖子里所有超级敏感的人
    8. 终于有了PGA超市....的竞争https://stores.golfgalaxy.com/MA/Framingham/3129/?camp=SNS%3AFBIG%3APaid%3AFramingham-GO%3ADark%3AStorewide%3AStore-Reach
    9. 小心那些老家伙....他们可以很快地偷偷靠近你。
    10. 高尔夫可能很残酷;名单中最令人惊讶的是弗利特伍德。该死的。也许他应该去理个发?▽5名选手在周日失去美巡赛卡=帕特里克·罗杰斯(第128位)本赛季一直获得豁免,但本周从第123位跌至第128位。他只是本周首发但退出的三名球员之一,另外两名是博·霍格和瑞安·阿穆尔。罗杰·斯隆、斯科特·皮尔西和哈德利是进入前125名的三人。弗利特伍德(第137位)——欧洲莱德杯明星、世界排名第38位的汤米·弗利特伍德本赛季在美巡赛上18次晋级中只有4次失败,但他只有4次进入前25名。在88场比赛中,他还没有在美巡赛上获胜。瑞恩·摩尔(第144位)——从2006年到2019年,摩尔每年的收入至少达到100万美元,但在过去两年里,他在32次首发中有3次进入前10名,在最终排名中排名第144位。 Moore, however, can always use his career money exemption if he needs it. The PGA Tour allows players to use one-time exemptions for the next season if they are in the top 25 and also the top 50 in career earnings (Hunter Mahan and Jim Furyk were among the players who used this last season). At $32,222,361 in total earnings, 35th all time, Moore has that option. Jason Dufner (154th) — Jason Dufner closed with a 63 on Sunday and tied for 24th at the Wyndham, but it was only his 15th made cut in 29 starts this season and just his second top-25 finish. Dufner won the Memorial in 2017, but that exemption only ran through this season. As for the one-time career earnings exemption Moore could use, Dufner is currently just outside that option. With $27,664,059 in career earnings, he ranks 52nd, and just $313,336 behind the No. 50 spot. Byeong Hun An (164th) — A fixture on Tour the last five years — with at least 22 starts in all of those seasons — An struggled in 2021. He missed 20 total cuts from 2017 to 2020 but missed 15 this season alone.
    11. 随它去吧……我只是陈述我的观点。就是这样,伙计。就是这样。这在过去是可以接受的,但是现在你会因为在这个论坛上发表观点而被大喊大叫,在某些情况下还会受到人身攻击——尤其是当涉及到某些话题和涉及某些人的时候。一个人能不能不要再咆哮了?我们要变成迷你高尔夫选手了吗?(如果你不明白我的意思,可以去golfwrx.com上发一个帖子,询问中等或高障碍的人是否应该玩刀片)只是为了好玩,我将从外面看这个……射手:这个得分在这个联赛中是不正常的....另一名成员:是的,这一季我也遇到了几次坏运气。 the scoring was set from the outset and it is what is. hopefully this is the only bad break you catch but happens to everyone eventually Stroker: thanks man - just sucks sometimes. (SILENCE) that's it, that's the end. no need to justify why the scoring is what it is, why you lost to who and by how much, why this, why that, what would you do about it. that's it. a player is frustrated; concede the point and move along.
    12. 可笑的是,人们会遮住他们的“木材”——高尔夫球、高尔夫球、混合动力车,有时还有推杆,但当涉及到铁杆时,这是禁忌。GTFOH——我非常想听一个故事,关于那个戴着面具出现的家伙,被嘲笑,然后继续踢每个人的屁股。这就像白人不能跳,但高尔夫。
    13. 谢谢你的建议……你总是在那里给我建议。总是这样。是好是坏。我在2019年获得了第二名;我在这里可不是出其不意。
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